Band Requests

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18 Mai 2009
Why do you guys keep bother making them, posting and bumping them. Quite clearly the wacken organisers aren't taking a blind bit of notice about them. May as well not bother. I'm sure they have pretty much finished the line-up now anywyas, what makes you think they will listen now after being given nearly a year?


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2008
Why do you guys keep bother making them, posting and bumping them. Quite clearly the wacken organisers aren't taking a blind bit of notice about them. May as well not bother. I'm sure they have pretty much finished the line-up now anywyas, what makes you think they will listen now after being given nearly a year?

They just want to spam and get more posts :o:p


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Aug. 2008
Why do you guys keep bother making them, posting and bumping them. Quite clearly the wacken organisers aren't taking a blind bit of notice about them.

yeah, you're right. If they would notice the requests, they would've booked Immortal and Equilibrium which got the most posts on this board. At least Equilibrium, I can't imagine they're hard to get or expensive.