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W:O:A Metalmaster
16 März 2008


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2006
just my two centsbump   A little boy wanted $100 very badly and his mother told him to pray to God for it.He prayed and prayed but nothing turned up.He decided to write a letter to God requesting the $100.  When the postal authorities received the letter to "God,"they opened it and send it to the President.The president was so impressed that he instructed his secretary to send the boy a check for $5;he thought this would be enough for a boy.  The boy was delighted with the $5 and wrote a thank you letter to God,which was follows:Dear God:Thank you very much for sending me the money.I noticed that you had to send it through Washinton,D.C.As usual,those jerks deducted $95.00. Welcome to our website for you World of Warcraft Gold,Wow Gold,Cheap World of Warcraft Gold,buy cheap wow Power Leveling,real wow gold,sell wow gold, ... Supply Cheap WoW Gold to our loyal customers. Buy WoW Gold,cheap aoc gold, now, we have available stock of aoc power leveling,on most of the servers. We can provide really cheap World of warcraft Power Leveling. Enjoy a new life, We are a world class wow Power Leveling store online !



W:O:A Metalhead
3 Nov. 2003
Ausser Selbstbeweihräucherung lese ich hier nix in den News.
Mich interessiert einen Dreck ob irgendwelche Artikel oder Berichte bei FAZ, Spon und Co. erschienen sind- sind ja net grade die Metalfansites und fuer die ist das eh Freaksberichterstattung aber das hier steht noch aus.

ja wann wollen sie die denn mal verschicken ??
Hauptsache die sind alle schon schön früh Bestellt und bezahlt.Aber mit dem rausschicken kann man ja noch ein bißchen warten.Hauptsache man hat die Kohle schonmal.
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