25k thread LOGO! (for shirts)

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
The text would then be like this: (back)
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 19,615
User Name Posts
Sipyloidea 3,954
agresionpower 3,235
Lady_Wolf 2,903
elhuesos 2,516
MetalViking 1,778
mental_mercury 1,621
cyber999 1,183
Quark 1,082
Ærnesto 355
bumpzilla 174
Falconius 152
Sevren 108
Lionzz 96
808Metal 77
gnoff 70

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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
And I want this shirts! :D
I guess you have to spam in the 25k thread then for once :D
We could use one of my favourite quotes concerning the 25k.
That's great :D
Would like a big

25k, ever spammed before?
I don't like that
Btw. would be nice if the text is printed in english so everyone can read it. Also I would like to know the price of such a shirt?
Of course it'll be in english. You and me are the only germans in the thread :rolleyes:

I want to propose: "Look, I know some people on the Internet"


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I guess you have to spam in the 25k thread then for once :D
More than once. It's like the forum camp. You must at least be "known" by us. Otherwhise every jackass can register him/herself to have a good place!

I don't like that

Of course it'll be in english. You and me are the only germans in the thread :rolleyes:
I know one more, but he hasn't got the time anymore (so far)

I want to propose: "Look, I know some people on the Internet"

We should have a poll later on. (with eventually pics)


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
One more try^^ 3rd idea

it's plain but I nice :D

I could also put and "before Wacken 2008" underneath it. That's a question of details in the end
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