Your thoughts about Bush!

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W:O:A Metalhead
13 Dez. 2002
Originally posted by Warthog
Hi all,

I have to write an essay for a college course about how Bush's foreign policy has affected U.S. relations with Europe. I was hoping some of you could share your thoughts about what you think of him, his actions in Iraq, his public image, and how he has changed your view of the United States and Americans as a people.

I'm just looking for some quotable material, and thought maybe my WOA forum friends could help! :) If you have anything to share, even just a sentence or two, I'd really appreciate it! Feel free to be offensive if you feel that way. Please post here or email me at

And can anyone post this in the German forum? Thanks!!

Well, at Wacken, the minute i opened my mouth and people heard an american accent, their first question was "Do you like Bush?" Once i told them I thought he was one of the worst things that ever happened to the US, they warmed up to me.

The thing is, people have a stereotype about the US, the same as we all have stereotypes about everywhere we haven't been to. Bush just serves to reinforce many of the stereotypes people have about the US.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Can't say I was a fan of Amercian foreign policy beofre GWB, on the other hand he has made me hate it even more.

I believe America bombed Iraq for just abaout every day after the last war in the early nineties up until the hunt for Saddam now began, so not only Mr Bush has been an ignorant civilian killing president.

But this guy George scares me more than any other president has during my life span, the lack of intelligence in his eyes, the way you read about him, it's just very very scary that this guy controls one of the (THE?) biggest army in the world.

He was a joke before the tragic September 11, but after it he became a very powerful and deadly joke indeed.

I do hope he will not be re-elected and that the next president has more brains and looks more into foregin politics and how America affects the rest of the world financially, environmentally and politically.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA

Thanks all you guys for the helpful comments! I really appreciate it! I see a common element in all of your comments - that even aside from all the fucked up wars and botched policies, Bush's presidency is having a definite psychological affect on the rest of the world.

I'm not even sure anymore than Bush is really fighting for any particular cause - he's more up for showing off America's military might. Wonder who he'll declare war on tomorrow?

Oh well, one more coffee-fueled night and I'll get this @#$%!ing paper over and done with.

Originally posted by gnoff
I believe America bombed Iraq for just abaout every day after the last war in the early nineties up until the hunt for Saddam now began, so not only Mr Bush has been an ignorant civilian killing president.

Actually, this is absolutely true. :( It's not well known or publicized (at least not here), but according to my friends in the US Air Force, the US has been bombing Iraq nonstop since 1991.

Originally posted by monochrom
Why is your country getting more and more conservative? How can someone like Ashcroft happen in a democratic state in the 21st century? Why does anyone listen to people like him?

Beats me! Especially since just a few months before Ashcroft got the nomination, he was defeated in the Missouri governor race by a dead man! There are a lot of strange things about Ashcroft...I suspect darker forces at work!


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Warthog

Beats me! Especially since just a few months before Ashcroft got the nomination, he was defeated in the Missouri governor race by a dead man! There are a lot of strange things about Ashcroft...I suspect darker forces at work!

One gets a little unsure about religion when one watches Ashcroft - I wonder if the satanist parts are actually true. He's such a perfect devil.



W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Ancalagon
I like bush. Especially when it's neatly trimed or is just a small line. Any else is just too much trouble especially when you eat it out. However, sometimes no bush is nice too.


I like to think of trimming the Bush as "Operation Vaginal Freedom." No longer shall it be forced to live under the shadow of a tyrannical shrub. :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Zarborg
Stop reading Nietzsche :p
In a way you're maybe right (but they're still room for a lot of people), but I don't think that the US gouvernement think of that when the decide to kill innocent people

First I dont read books at all, dont watch TV, I am just natural born philosopher :D:D:D:D

I am more naturalist. And there is not so so much room for people, look on Africa, India China....why do you think that in China they can have just one child? Cause more people- less food - people has nothing to eat and it can go so far that they can steal and kill each other. But bah it is not you problem. You just live in luxury.


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Originally posted by Hammered_gods
cause we cant legaly kill each other
Unless you reserve the right to hold military courts of your own anywhere in the world, in which you sentence people from the country you've attacked to death for not complying with your rules of warfare, and at the same time excluding your own citizens from having to face international courts of law for war crimes.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by mugabe
Unless you reserve the right to hold military courts of your own anywhere in the world, in which you sentence people from the country you've attacked to death for not complying with your rules of warfare, and at the same time excluding your own citizens from having to face international courts of law for war crimes.

Ah, come on, only an evil empire would do such things...


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by mugabe
Unless you reserve the right to hold military courts of your own anywhere in the world, in which you sentence people from the country you've attacked to death for not complying with your rules of warfare, and at the same time excluding your own citizens from having to face international courts of law for war crimes.


Sing it with me!

'Cause I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the man who died
Who gave that right to me...