Where do we put all this oil?!?

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Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
MetalSlut should send a picture to MetalPrincess so that we all can recognize him in Wacken. I think we all owe him a beer for making us feel so intelligent.

Someone told me that he's male.. I thought somewhere slut is female :D - ok it's all the same.

I would bring him some books like Brockhaus.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Re: Re: Where do we put all this oil?!?

Originally posted by Warthog
Gee, maybe that's the reason why the Brits tend to drive smaller cars with smaller displacement engines (1.2L - 2.5L) than we do?

No...they drive smaller cars for two reasons.
1. It's impossible to park a big car there
2. Insurance is too much in UK to keep big cars
3. If you have a big(or just new) car in UK it gets stolen


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Re: Re: Re: Where do we put all this oil?!?

Originally posted by Zombi
No...they drive smaller cars for two reasons.
1. It's impossible to park a big car there
2. Insurance is too much in UK to keep big cars
3. If you have a big(or just new) car in UK it gets stolen

All three apply here as well - good luck parking a big car in the city, insurance is rotten on anything large, and big/new cars are always getting stolen. But if gas all of a sudden tripled in price here and met UK prices...yeah, there'd be a lot fewer Lincoln Navigators and Ford Excursions on the road.