Where do we put all this oil?!?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Re: Re: Re: Re: Where do we put all this oil?!?

Originally posted by Warthog
Noble my ass! He wouldn't have done that if the every environmental watchdog group and every other treehugger in this country wasn't up his ass and around the corner over the whole ANWR issue. And by your own logic - why would Bush promote hydrogen research if his financial well-being is staked in oil?

The hydrogen fuel cell issue has been around for years - ever since we realized that the world's oil supplies do indeed have limits (we've already pumped Pennsylvania dry), and that we need a solution. There have been tax credits for electric cars and millions pumped into alternate fuel research. Bush made his half-hearted push for hydrogen fuel cells not because he's environmentally concerned, but because his advisors told him it would be politically savvy. Don't hand Bush laurels he doesn't deserve.


Not if he keeps raising gas mileage requirements. Not if he allows the petroleum industry to be exempt from water pollution rules and regs. Not if he keeps tearing up miles of virgin Alaskan wilderness just so his rich lobbyist buddies can still power their 12-cylinder Mercedes S600s from Bethesda to Capitol Hill.

Bush isn't crusading for cleaner air. He's caving to pressure from those who truly are. Thank god.




To call Bush an environmentalist is to call the Backstreet Boys death metal.

If you're going to talk out your ass, why don't you eat a few books so your crap will actually contain some substantive info?

Woohoeee! hows that for a kick in the bollocks! a big cheer to scotty! :D:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
MetalSlut should send a picture to MetalPrincess so that we all can recognize him in Wacken. I think we all owe him a beer for making us feel so intelligent.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Hammered_gods
And what about Shizzo and his !sex! then? ;);););):D:D:D:D

at least Shizzo is smart enough to be funny. :)

Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf
Woohoeee! hows that for a kick in the bollocks! a big cheer to scotty! :D:D:D:D

naaah, it was waaaaay too much fun. I wish he'd come back though! :D Trolls are fun to fuck with.

Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
MetalSlut should send a picture to MetalPrincess so that we all can recognize him in Wacken. I think we all owe him a beer for making us feel so intelligent.

Be warned, he's a right-wing middle American, so he only drinks Coors Light, Bud Light, and other Wasserbiers. Anything stronger than Heineken will make him explode. *evillaugh*