What's the meaning of life?

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W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
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"Why do you call everybody who is not as spiritual as you are for materialistic? There are lots of other ways to deal with the own life"

Here in *this* thread I have seen, perhaps I have made a mistake but *only* except me, several self-claimed materialists, other non-self-claimed but with the same way of thinking and the others were agree with the former ones, that's why I call that here we are some materialists, it is a cold fact. Otherwise, there are other ways of thinking, we can be only materialist, materialist and individualist, materialist and taking care of his breed/family, materialist and marxist, materialist and fascist, materialist and ecologist... There are plenty of spiritualities, and some can be agnostic, some can be sceptic (it is beyond our understanding but there is something with a lot of chance) and so on...I speak of this thread.

A materialist is for me somebody who just runs after materialistic things like the biggest house, the fastest car, the biggest TV and so on, but there I see a lot of people whom I would call individualists (what I also would call myself) who beliefs in themself and that´s al but not in a spiritual way.

I guess the problem is, that for most people in here english isn´t the mainlanguage and that there have been some problems in writing and understanding it 100% correct what you/somebody else wants to say.
Originally posted by Supercharger
I share your views about individualism shizzo. It's only too bad that individualistic people aren't appriciated by many people..that's at least the situation in my country..

I guess it´s everywhere, because the "normal" people allways are affraid of new thoughts and that´s what individalism is - even if it is as old as the mankind.
They call us egoists, because we put ourself in the center of everything but for me it´s there where I belong and where anybody else belongs who wants to be there.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Fallen:Sorry but don't take me serious please,I like it as much as a glas in my foot ;)

Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
I guess it´s everywhere, because the "normal" people allways are affraid of new thoughts and that´s what individalism is - even if it is as old as the mankind.
They call us egoists, because we put ourself in the center of everything but for me it´s there where I belong and where anybody else belongs who wants to be there.

That's right the reason why I felt allways different.I got usually pretty bored when I have to do one thing twice the same way.I am sick with that, I know,everything start to be boring for me because of this, but I can't change it.And that's reason why I allways love to try something new,cause I get bored to death very easy,and that's the reason why I allways loved strange things :D

And I think I am the most extreme form of individualist :D.But to be egoist is something else,you meant egocentric I think.

Everybody ain't the same and people must just start to accept that somebody is different.If everybody would be the same,world will be very boring place to live :D.


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Juli 2002
Deventer, the Netherlands
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Well guess that people are afraid for people who have strong personalities and having their own independent thoughts and views. It reminds the majority about their shortcomings and they reject us. And yes I'm proud of callimg myself a critical independent individualist
Originally posted by Supercharger
Well guess that people are afraid for people who have strong personalities and having their own independent thoughts and views. It reminds the majority about their shortcomings and they reject us. And yes I'm proud of callimg myself a critical independent individualist

Yes, I see a lot of truth in your words.
The majority chooses the easy way where they don´t have to think and a god (call it what you want) decides how to live the life. And then there comes people who ignores this and say it is totaly wrong, there exists nothing that rules my life - I have to deal it with my own. I can see, that they must be afraid to us - because we destroy their way of life just by living our own...


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Juli 2002
Deventer, the Netherlands
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Hmm I'm not talking about christians or anything. I mean it worries how many people are just plain stupid brainless and they walk just like sheep after eachother. I loath that sheep mentality. Dare to think for yourself. Dave Mustaine has a nice line for that : "Don't ask what you can do for your country/ask what your country can do for you " Amen to that
Originally posted by Supercharger
Hmm I'm not talking about christians or anything. I mean it worries how many people are just plain stupid brainless and they walk just like sheep after eachother. I loath that sheep mentality. Dare to think for yourself. Dave Mustaine has a nice line for that : "Don't ask what you can do for your country/ask what your country can do for you " Amen to that

That´s why I said (call it what you want) god was just one word for the same meaning, that you just told, because god is a very common sheperd for the week ones :(:(:(


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
A materialist is for me somebody who just runs after materialistic things like the biggest house, the fastest car, the biggest TV and so on,

No. A materialist is someone who does believe there is anything beyond the material ie. no spirituality. It has nothing to do with trying to gain possessions.

to quote www.dictionary.com
One who denies the existence of spiritual substances or agents, and maintains that spiritual phenomena, so called, are the result of some peculiar organization of matter.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
No I meant egoist, I wrote "they call us egoists.......

Well "they" knows shit what egoist means so "they" can't anybody call like this cause at first time the should know what does it stands for :D

Anyways there will be allways weak ones who will need something what they belive in when they can't belive themselves :D Well they must realize by themselves that that is not good way, you can't change them...


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
I don't take you serious, if I did I would say you were a wannabe or something...

As I have seen earlier in this thread...

We are individualists that is true, but it is good to cooperate with other people.

To believe in something like God isn't a sign of weakness.
We all believe in something (some are nameknown, some are not)

This is a bad one but... believeing in yourself is something to believe

In politics and elections you (if you vote) vote for those you think can rule the nation best

We all believe in things!

Then meaning of life? It is a hard one and I think we will never solve it...
It may be one of many things that makes mankind to develop