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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I say outside of Atlanta because that is an area where people tend to be some of the most religious in the country and im sure he knows what im referring to.

Right away they go after me as if i were attacking someones personal beliefs or theyre "rights". Give me a break.,I never did disrespect anyones opinions, rights or beliefs here.
I may hate Christianity (and proud of it) but i dont hate the Christian. We are all brainwashed in some way.

she, but yea... Bible Belt and all that :rolleyes:
I'm not attacking you or anything though... you asked, sooo I answered.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Mai 2007
Wald von Dunwyn
What has leaving Atlanta (GA) got to do with it?
She (xforeverxmetalx) has her opinion about religion, being religious herself. That's her right, just like you're entitled to have your opinion in this. One should respect one's opinion.

Sure. Everyone should believe in what he/she wants, as long he/she not starts to proselytize/missionies other people and thinks that only people of their believe are serious... Or starts wars cause of that :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Oooooh! This topic is tasty! It's also, unfortunately, quite indisputable. You really have to weigh both sides without bias to fully grasp it.

On the one hand: Metal. Its earliest roots trace back to the Southern State blues of the early 1900s which was the music of the oppressed and enslaved, a way to let out their woes and come together in grievance and frustration. It was in no way uplifting or immaculate and there, of course, exist the rumours of those who even sold their souls to "the devil" in exchange for blues fame and talent. From the blues came rock and from rock came metal and throughout the progression the music became increasingly loud, aggressive and "sinful", promoting the ideas of sex, drugs and alcohol. Even musically, the use of the tritone or "the devil's chord" (a diminished fifth) was heavily frowned on by religious traditions. It is perfectly understandable, especially in the West, why anyone would consider the amalgamation of metal into "Christian" culture hypocritical.

On the other hand: "Christianity". Literally, the ianity of Christ. Those who believe in Christ and strive to follow his teachings often call themselves Christians. Unfortunately for you, rice, there is no definitive "Christian" church. The title is left solely to the individual, regardless of what religious sect they follow, and it is up to them to determine just how "Christian" they are. It has always been the organization that has been the oppressor and the censurer of music, race and culture, for which I'm sure most anti-religious people detest them. I was raised a Mormon myself (and almost went on a damn mission too!) and I remember my mother shouting at me for "listening to that crap!" upon finding an ACDC album a friend had lent me. However, I never heard anything against such music otherwise from any teachers or missionaries in that particular sect. Though here are a few interesting links to read up on:


Personally, I'm into metal because of the talent it requires and the energy with which it's played, and I can sympathize with someone who would like to enjoy those same qualities in their music without having to listen to someone viciously attacking their close-held beliefs. Retrospectively, it is pretty wrong to see a group of people saying, "Hey! This stuff ain't so bad after all!" It's like a kid learning to appreciate broccoli after years of rejection and you just want to smack him on the forehead and go, "NO DUH!" but really, in a global sense where some people are actually just trying to get along I don't see why we can't all just unite under metal.


wow, really interesting, especially the links, thanks :]
and yea, my parents were both completely anti-metal at first :rolleyes:
but they came around... got me my flight to Europe for four, maybe more, metal festivals :rolleyes::D:D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I say outside of Atlanta because that is an area where people tend to be some of the most religious in the country and im sure he knows what im referring to.

Right away they go after me as if i were attacking someones personal beliefs or theyre "rights". Give me a break.,I never did disrespect anyones opinions, rights or beliefs here.
I may hate Christianity (and proud of it) but i dont hate the Christian. We are all brainwashed in some way.

Last post of today. (late etc)
I'm ANTI religious myself, getting angry when my 2 nephews were baptized (especially since I had to go there!)
Nevertheless, if someone is CONCIENT, MAJOR (here 18) and has thought about it, be my guest. Don't try to convert me though, you might have a big problem!

But... in this case, I admire her for having her ideas and thoughts about religion, her beliefs and her taste in "our" music. (which is sometimes contradictional as we all know)

Furthermore, I cannot see church and state separated in the US. (sorry, but I'm no US, I'm Dutch = European, so I might be wrong sometimes)
Everywhere I look I see religion in the US. Even the national currency carries the phrase "in God we trust".
Need I say more here.

No offence (due to my unsufficiant knowledge of US society)
That was NOT intended.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
But... in this case, I admire her for having her ideas and thoughts about religion, her beliefs and her taste in "our" music. (which is sometimes contradictional as we all know)

Furthermore, I cannot see church and state separated in the US. (sorry, but I'm no US, I'm Dutch = European, so I might be wrong sometimes)
Everywhere I look I see religion in the US. Even the national currency carries the phrase "in God we trust".
Need I say more here.

No offence (due to my unsufficiant knowledge of US society)
That was NOT intended.

danke :]
I agree though, we've got the 'in God we trust' on currency, 'one nation under God' in our Pledge of Allegiance... and then of course you can get into gay rights and the fact that the main reason against that is because, based on Christian beliefs, marriage is defined as only involving a man and a woman.
and personally, though I believe that that's what marriage should be, I also don't think it's right to basically force that belief on the rest of the country and prevent them from having any less opportunities than the rest of us.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
My 2 cents.Like I said,I respect bounderies.That said,I was at funeral of a co-worker about a year ago.She was a very religous woman(black baptist) & I went there out of respect( 3 hours of my life I'll never get back).She has 2 relatives who are lesbian(who were there).While the sermon was going on,the preacher started gaybashing(not shitting ya) right in front of the body.I had to leave.I do have a cousin who just recently came out(I met her partner & I like her & I hope she treats my cuz good).I'm not the only one that was there that was pissed off with the bashing.It was wrong,distasteful,& disrespectful to do at a funeral.This one of the reasons why I'm not religous.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
My 2 cents.Like I said,I respect bounderies.That said,I was at funeral of a co-worker about a year ago.She was a very religous woman(black baptist) & I went there out of respect( 3 hours of my life I'll never get back).She has 2 relatives who are lesbian(who were there).While the sermon was going on,the preacher started gaybashing(not shitting ya) right in front of the body.I had to leave.I do have a cousin who just recently came out(I met her partner & I like her & I hope she treats my cuz good).I'm not the only one that was there that was pissed off with the bashing.It was wrong,distasteful,& disrespectful to do at a funeral.This one of the reasons why I'm not religous.

wow yea, that's completely unnecessary at a funeral for one thing... but even just when speaking to any group for any reason, that's still rude.
but on the other hand, stupid people are everywhere, and there are plenty of stupid Christians... sooo you can't let one screw it up for the rest, if you know what I mean. not saying you do though, just throwing it out there.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
One more.

I work with a very religous man at work.I'm baptised Russian Orthodox.Out of respect for my family (& if I understand it in the Orthodox religon)we had a 1 year service of my grandmother's passing(I still miss her).Word got around that I'm going to A church.Mr. Religon came up to me & ask what church & I told him.His response,"You're going to the wrong church.You should go to a Baptist Church".He is a black baptist.I felt like that not only he disrepected me,he also disrespected my grandmother & family.This angered me.I believe most religous people are hypocrits.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
One more.

I work with a very religous man at work.I'm baptised Russian Orthodox.Out of respect for my family (& if I understand it in the Orthodox religon)we had a 1 year service of my grandmother's passing(I still miss her).Word got around that I'm going to A church.Mr. Religon came up to me & ask what church & I told him.His response,"You're going to the wrong church.You should go to a Baptist Church".He is a black baptist.I felt like that not only he disrepected me,he also disrespected my grandmother & family.This angered me.I believe most religous people are hypocrits.

like I said... there are stupid Christians :rolleyes::(
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