the weird translation thread

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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
was that an OMG that translation sucks, or an OMG spamfilters... :D :p

More on the dynamo traffic jams:

the traffic jam started at the dutch border (from germany) and went all the way to eindhoven... holy shit :D
It already started from Duisburg (Ger) actually. In 1995, about 150,000 people visited Dynamo Open Air! (according at that time Omroep Brabant radio)
Holy Fuck! that looks like Wacken too LOL
But somehow better!
that used to be the biggest metal festival in the world during the 90's.
I know quark has been there pretty much every edition.
I've been at it in 2002, but it was pretty much in decline by than, just one day. at a festival site of an other festival with just 6000 people or something.

I went from 1991 until the "end" in 2002. Saw it grow from a one day festival to a 3 days festival and with the struggle 'cause Veldhoven (near Eindhoven) wanted to build a suburb there. Then the decline started. (1997)
I do think Eindhoven regrets it, 'cause it brought a lot of money to the city. (at that time even more, as most visitors were from Germany, and refused to change their currencies (Deutch Marks)!
I think it's one of the reasons the Eindhovem Metal Meeting is now where it is.

Edit Piaf zegt: I used to live about 10km from Eindhoven at that time ;)