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30 Apr. 2014
Under the heading safety;
Citation: The following objects are strictly prohibited:
- plastic bottles, camelbags, canisters and drinking horns. Please note that W:O:A festival cups and the foldable bottle you get with the FMB are allowed.

Unter sicherheit;
Zitat: Folgende Gegenstände sind verboten:
- Plastikflaschen, Camelbags (sog. Trinkrucksäcke), Kanister und Trinkhörner (W:O:A-Festivalbecher und die faltbare W:O:A Wasserflasche sind erlaubt)

Why Ban rucksac carried water bags? It is soft, contained in a rucksac and is vital for some to have a safe easy to carry water store.

Namely like my son, an asthmatic, who must keep his hydration up at good levels... but no, he must run about with a 40 or 50cl plastic cup and get water from a wash area... or pay stupid money for bottled water from the vendors!

Water is life, not profit or a security/safety problem!


I can just see him getting annoyed about something and bending down to pull out his water bladder, unhook the drinking tube and throw it 50 mtr to the stage... Lach mich kaput!



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Under the heading safety;
Citation: The following objects are strictly prohibited:
- plastic bottles, camelbags, canisters and drinking horns. Please note that W:O:A festival cups and the foldable bottle you get with the FMB are allowed.

Unter sicherheit;
Zitat: Folgende Gegenstände sind verboten:
- Plastikflaschen, Camelbags (sog. Trinkrucksäcke), Kanister und Trinkhörner (W:O:A-Festivalbecher und die faltbare W:O:A Wasserflasche sind erlaubt)

Why Ban rucksac carried water bags? It is soft, contained in a rucksac and is vital for some to have a safe easy to carry water store.

Namely like my son, an asthmatic, who must keep his hydration up at good levels... but no, he must run about with a 40 or 50cl plastic cup and get water from a wash area... or pay stupid money for bottled water from the vendors!

Water is life, not profit or a security/safety problem!


I can just see him getting annoyed about something and bending down to pull out his water bladder, unhook the drinking tube and throw it 50 mtr to the stage... Lach mich kaput!


Evil mind: a camel bag containing 1 liter of water weighs a kilo! I can guarantee you that one kilo on your head can hurt you!

Thought I don't see a reason to ban them either!


W:O:A Metalgod
7 Aug. 2006
Evil mind: a camel bag containing 1 liter of water weighs a kilo! I can guarantee you that one kilo on your head can hurt you!

Thought I don't see a reason to ban them either!

the drinking bag in the full meddl bag can contain up to one liter of water which is a kilo. so that can hurt ones head too? :confused::ugly:


30 Apr. 2014
picky responses

A punch to the head from an arsehole swinging his arms about will hurt more than a floppy bag of water... what next, ban hands?


There are always risks, this is taking security/safety too far... But they run the place and they are scared of being sued or something, so no sense in saying any more than I have said.

Whatever happened to having a good time?



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
A punch to the head from an arsehole swinging his arms about will hurt more than a floppy bag of water... what next, ban hands?


There are always risks, this is taking security/safety too far... But they run the place and they are scared of being sued or something, so no sense in saying any more than I have said.

Whatever happened to having a good time?




W:O:A Metalhead
There are always risks, this is taking security/safety too far...

I still believe that most of the stupid bans are in order to make money. They want you to buy the things you need on the inside, so you're not allowed to take them with you from the outside.
I understand no glas. No cans (Dosen), well still ok, you might get injured when you throw them. But no plastic water bottles does not make sense. And the regulations about tetrapacks are ridiculously stupid.
I even heard about securities who took away your suntan lotion because the bottles "could be used as projectiles"!! wtf??
There are other festivals where you can take your backpack (Rucksack), water bottles and even your camping chairs on the Infield.

Now they realized that they've gone too far and introduced the water bag.
I'm still curious how they will deal with the new security system. They check you first, and then you can buy a lot of "potentially dangerous" things like drinking horns on the metalmarket and take them to the stages... nonsense...
but... no... the goal was to make you buy something, wasn't it? :rolleyes:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I still believe that most of the stupid bans are in order to make money. They want you to buy the things you need on the inside, so you're not allowed to take them with you from the outside.
I understand no glas. No cans (Dosen), well still ok, you might get injured when you throw them. But no plastic water bottles does not make sense. And the regulations about tetrapacks are ridiculously stupid.
I even heard about securities who took away your suntan lotion because the bottles "could be used as projectiles"!! wtf??
There are other festivals where you can take your backpack (Rucksack), water bottles and even your camping chairs on the Infield.

Now they realized that they've gone too far and introduced the water bag.
I'm still curious how they will deal with the new security system. They check you first, and then you can buy a lot of "potentially dangerous" things like drinking horns on the metalmarket and take them to the stages... nonsense...
but... no... the goal was to make you buy something, wasn't it? :rolleyes:

I got nagged over for 5 lousy centimeters! Something I will not easily forget!


30 Apr. 2014
I got nagged over for 5 lousy centimeters! Something I will not easily forget!

I feel your pain!

And I wanted to bring my trinkhorn, that was payed for at Wacken 2005, in the festival area, but no, buy one from inside again!

Hej, I dont care to just moan... I do believe I will still have a good time, whilst finding the ways to screw the bosses!



W:O:A Metalhead
17 Aug. 2007
Ich versteh nicht das Leute immer ihren Lieblingstrinkbehälter brauchen. Sind wie Heimscheisser, können nur aus ihrem Mickey Mouse Becher trinken. Oder nur durch den Schlauch vom Camel Bag (haben die doch, oder?) wie Rüdiger Nehberg. Wat ist denn so schlimm dran zu den Wasserstellen zu gehen und nen normalen Plastkbecher, wahlweise 1 Liter oder den ollen Full Metal Plastik Behälter zu benutzen?

Wenn man jede Gefässform verbietet ist das Festival ABC 18 Seiten lang. Da ist es einfacher ein paar zu erlauben.

Wie im anderen Thread gefragt wird ob Ton erlaubt ist, ist ja kein Glas. Würd mich echt mal interessieren was die Ordner für Diskussionen haben. "Das ist , kein Tetra Pack, dss kommt aus Spanien und heisst El Tetra Packo und ist nicht verboten." "Das ist kein Camel Bag, das ist ein Dromedar Bag und ist nicht verboten.":rolleyes::ugly:


30 Apr. 2014
Ich versteh nicht das Leute immer ihren Lieblingstrinkbehälter brauchen. Sind wie Heimscheisser, können nur aus ihrem Mickey Mouse Becher trinken. Oder nur durch den Schlauch vom Camel Bag (haben die doch, oder?) wie Rüdiger Nehberg. Wat ist denn so schlimm dran zu den Wasserstellen zu gehen und nen normalen Plastkbecher, wahlweise 1 Liter oder den ollen Full Metal Plastik Behälter zu benutzen?

Wenn man jede Gefässform verbietet ist das Festival ABC 18 Seiten lang. Da ist es einfacher ein paar zu erlauben.

Wie im anderen Thread gefragt wird ob Ton erlaubt ist, ist ja kein Glas. Würd mich echt mal interessieren was die Ordner für Diskussionen haben. "Das ist , kein Tetra Pack, dss kommt aus Spanien und heisst El Tetra Packo und ist nicht verboten." "Das ist kein Camel Bag, das ist ein Dromedar Bag und ist nicht verboten.":rolleyes::ugly:

Just speaking for the sake of hearing his own voice!
