Questions about camping

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Thanks for the information ! :)
Thinking of camping by myself. Good idea or not ? Do people respect other people's stuff? Wouldn't want to come back to my tent and find some drunk passed out !!:D

my first tiem at WOA I got back to my tent and it was broken

that's the only time anything bad did happen to my stuff for 5 years straight at WOA


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
Camping is the only way to go!

The drunks pass out everywhere.....and the first time I was there, I busted some fuck trying to steal my entire tent (which would have sucked completely, because I was there alone, and it was before the lockers so everything except what was in my pockets was inside). That was the only problem I ever had though. People generally seem pretty respectful of other's stuff.
Use the lockers for everything important!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Camping is the only way to go!

The drunks pass out everywhere.....and the first time I was there, I busted some fuck trying to steal my entire tent (which would have sucked completely, because I was there alone, and it was before the lockers so everything except what was in my pockets was inside). That was the only problem I ever had though. People generally seem pretty respectful of other's stuff.
Use the lockers for everything important!

I had someone entering my tent and sleep in it. Only for 5 minutes, I chaised him out!

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Thanks for the information ! :)
Thinking of camping by myself. Good idea or not ? Do people respect other people's stuff? Wouldn't want to come back to my tent and find some drunk passed out !!:D

Good idea or not?
Well, everything else would be a bad idea. You wouldn't find a hotel close to Wacken any more anyway. And you'd miss most of the day because of having to get to the hotel and back to the festival. And 90% of the fun is happening on the campgrounds. Use the lockers for real important stuff like passports, tickets etc., but do camp.
Use the lockers for everything important!

Could you elaborate on the lockers? Like, are they big enough for luggage? Cause that's one of the questions I keep forgetting to ask. I've always wondered what people do with their gigantic bags/suitcases when they arrive at wacken. I know I wouldn't feel so comfortable leaving my 2-3 weeks of stuff in my flimsy tent :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
They have 2 sized lockers. I don't think the big ones are big enough for a big-ass suitecase, but you can fit quite a bit in them.
I always got by with a small one, and it held my decent clothes, camaras, souvineers and spare shoes just fine.
I did see some suitecases in the corner, I don't know if they were the staff's, or if they do guard them at the locker place, too.

Personally, I'd strongly advise against bringing either a gigantic bag OR a suitecase, in the first place (if you don;t have a car, at least). There's going to be a good amount of walking involved and the shuttles are really tough if you have a lot to lug.