Questions about camping

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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Nov. 2007
I find it amazing that this grocery store is able to keep their shelves stocked with meat with 70000 people attending. I guess they make a lot of their money on this one weekend so they make sure they have enough stuff.


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
well in you opinion wich is the best way to leave wacken after the festival?

last year i realize how hard is to catch one of the suttle buses :rolleyes: i ended up going by taxi to etzehoe

I'm going for the reserved shuttle all the way to Hamburg this time.
I haven't tried it before, but yeah, the shuttles to Itzehoe are usually pretty frustrating.
The price is right, considering the train fare + hopefully avoiding long wait or struggle just to get on (which is the only part of the fest I truely hate).

gee jay

W:O:A Metalmaster
11 März 2008
White Plains, New York
Do they have all camping gear available at the site ? Tent, sleeping bag etc..
I'm travelling by myself and don't want to carry alot .
And what is " full metal service " ?


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
You can buy slightly overpriced Wacken brand gear....most the stuff you need there (tent, sleeping bag, towels, boots, jacket) and the town has a hardwear store, and street vendors with stuff like grills, tarps,lantern, ass wipe.

I think the full metal service is what the call the little bag you can get at check-in. I think last time I was there it had a poncho, infltable cushion, cd, garbage bag and some fliers or something.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
You can buy slightly overpriced Wacken brand gear....most the stuff you need there (tent, sleeping bag, towels, boots, jacket) and the town has a hardwear store, and street vendors with stuff like grills, tarps,lantern, ass wipe.

I think the full metal service is what the call the little bag you can get at check-in. I think last time I was there it had a poncho, infltable cushion, cd, garbage bag and some fliers or something.

Don't forget the little tourch light!

gee jay

W:O:A Metalmaster
11 März 2008
White Plains, New York
Full Metal Service is the fee including camping, parking, toilets, garbage etc.

And then there's the Full Metal Bag with stuff like the torch, condom, poncho, CD, or whatever comes to their minds in the respective year.

Thanks for the information ! :)
Thinking of camping by myself. Good idea or not ? Do people respect other people's stuff? Wouldn't want to come back to my tent and find some drunk passed out !!:D