Hamburg-Lúbeck - help

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W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Dez. 2001
LOL....what a shitty train service here...Dittohead, as far as I interpretate this funny webpage from you have to change your train TWICE....once in Hamburg and again in Elmshorn....which seems pretty stupid, cause there are direct trains from Hamburg to Itzehoe....

really, I don´t know any better way for you...sorry....

Train is pretty expensive, but this fucking homepage does´nt say anything about it....guess you ´ll better take a plane to Hamburg!!! ;)

From the Airport you must take a bus to "Lückbeck ZOB", this is p.e. Bus 6 (direction: Hamburger Strasse)!
From there, you must walk 5 minutes to get to the station and there you take the train to hamburg! This will take you 50 minutes.
In Hamburg, you have two opportunities, you can drive to itzehoe via Elmshorn, or you can take the "SBahn" and drive from Hamburg HBF to Hamburg Altona, where the train to itzehoe starts... the whole trip will take you roundabout 3,5 hours...


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
3.5 HOURS!?!?!? geez

cool thanks guys
ill probably get a train to hamburg and change 2 times ,etc

but if anyone else is at Lúbeck airport on tuesday afternoon
ill meet you,, and find our way to Itzehoe


lord of coffe

W:O:A Metalmaster
24 Nov. 2001
Website besuchen
Original geschrieben von dittohead
i dont really want to shop for anything special
onyl basic food supplies, just brea, milk and snacks to eat when i get to the camp site

a little supermarket will do

ähhm you should bring some money with you or you will have to queue up at the cash dispenser in Wacken, its only one. Last year I
tokk a taxi with some others to the nearest town, because I dont wanted to queue up.*gg*