IMPORTANT-Credit cards problems/Metaltix?

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
One of the reasons I don't have a credit card.. I've never trusted the whole system. And you don't really need one in Europe anyways. At least not in the countries that I often visit (Netherlands, Germany, Sweden).

Well, try to "PIN" in Germany with your Dutch/Belgian bank account (debit card) for a change! In Germany it's getting better but it is still difficult to pay an ordinairy supermarket with a foreign debit card! (had the problem in Heide last year "bei den Frauen")

Edit Piaf zegt: Gas stations are now more accessable for that matter.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
I checked & my account is safe for now.The thing is that I can't get to my bank till Wed.(got shit to do tomorrow) & this is gonna eat at me till I can find out if my account is safe.

if I find out if this asshole is on the east coast of the US,he will not be on this side of the earth for long.YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS OR MY MONEY!


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
Not by my knowledge. I think this is an issue best for somebody to call them directly on seeing I've contacted them about something in the past and I guess it just got ignored.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
did anybody report this to metaltix yet?

It is. (if I have to believe the thread starter)

J'ai déjà contacté ma banque et fait le nécessaire pour être remboursé . Simplement , j'aimerais que Metaltix se rende compte de cela et qu'ils fassent quelque chose pour combler les failles de leur site . Je leur ai envoyé un mail auquel j'ai reçu une réponse tres brève : Nous allons regarder .
Je viens donc d'envoyer un mail directement à l'orga du Wacken pour leur demander de faire pression ..

Merci pour les réponses en Français ;)

I know, it's in French, but he says: "I've sent them a mail and recieved a brief answer: we will look at it. So I've sent a mail directly to the Wacken orgas to ask to make some preasure about this case."