@you guys from Sweden...

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Nov. 2001
...please can anybody translate a few words for me?

It`s an e-mail concerning my Lefay-fanpage http://www.lefay-online.com and I think it`s about Lefay playing the Carlslundrocken Festival... maybe one of you can tell me more about...?

thankyou :)

"... spelar väl där i år också..? Har då läst det någonstans. Är det några
speltider klar i så fall så man vet om man hinner dit i tid, jag har andra
planer mitt på dagen men hoppas hinna hem i tid tills dess...
Skulle vara lämpligt att veta det, så man kan komma och se gudarna "

Finally... I should learn swedisch ;)


29 Juni 2002
eindhoven.nl & sweden
well, its means approximately;

"... play there this year too..? Have read it somewhere. Is the concert schedule ready in that case so one knows if it's possible to get there in time, I've other plans for during the day but hope to get home in time... Would be nice to know it, so one can come and see the gods..."
