WOA 2020 - T-Shirt #StayAtHome

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Der Huetti

17 Apr. 2020
Dear WOA Team
unfortunately we can't party this year together.
As you have made a lot of preperations and designs for 2020 i would appreciate if you use them for Merchandise.
I would buy as every year several T-Shirts to support WOA also in 2020.

My proposal would be T-Shirt with back -
#StayAtHome Metalheads against corona
Faster Harder Louder see you next year
Next year louder than Hell

I am sure there are a lot more ideas, tell me yours!!!!

I hope to see you next year in
Bad Wacken my favorit noise spa


I hope you like the idea


15 Juli 2015
I'll Support Wacken for the rest of my life. Therefore I suggest to implement the biggest WORLDWIDE Wacken in 2020. Maybe there is the possibility to implement a Livestream during the Week in the end of July/beginning of August with the 'Best of 30years' hosted by the Wacken-Crew. We will have a Running Order and can choose between the different 'Stages'.
Everybody who buy a T-Shirt for 2020 will get the access details to join the BIGGEST HEAVY METAL FESTIVAL #stayathome of the world.
See you in 2021, but maybe together in spirit in 2020.