Where do we put all this oil?!?

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I just got back from D.C., and boy, do we have a BIG problem!! There's just barrel after barrel of stolen Iraqi oil stacked 10 high for miles around, and no where to stash it all! Perhaps the Germans who helped Saddam build his underground bunkers can design something similar we can store all this bubblin' crude in.... In the meantime, we're going to have to repeal all these pro-environment laws that mandate more fuel efficient cars, etc, otherwise, we'll never get rid of al this free oil we took!


A simple message to all the Wacken Hippies who thought this 'war' was all about oil. That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen posted on this site, and God knows, there have been some dumb ones. George Bush is an oil man. He makes money drilling for oil. You can argue that it was in his best interest to support UN resolutions preventing Iraq from sellig oil for money over the past decade, but you certainly can't suggest then that lifting the sanctions against Iraq (as Bush requested of the UN yesterday) will help him now. It's called SUPPLY AND DEMAND. By opening the Iraqi pipelines, we increase supply, but not demand. In turn, this drives DOWN the prices Bush and his buddies can command for their own oil!

Tune in next week for another history/politics/economics lesson from the one who's just here to enlighten all of you.

It's a tough job, but I'm just here to make your lives better, even if I don't get any enjoyment out of it.

Rock On, Peaceniks!!

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Re: Where do we put all this stupid people in here?

Originally posted by metal slut


Tune in next week for another history/politics/economics lesson from the one who's just here to enlighten all of you.

It's a tough job, but I'm just here to make your lives better, even if I don't get any enjoyment out of it.

Rock On, Peaceniks!!

No thanks, I don't need your lessons and people like you ain't make my life better and I don't need your self-piity and self-sacrifice if thinking about your last thread I just read this evening... honey, I love your commedy show, give me some more, I'm masochist :D :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by metal slut
It's called SUPPLY AND DEMAND. By opening the Iraqi pipelines, we increase supply, but not demand. In turn, this drives DOWN the prices Bush and his buddies can command for their own oil!

Tune in next week for another history/politics/economics lesson from the one who's just here to enlighten all of you.

That would be great if this one-dimensional lesson wasn't coming from a narrow-minded dumbass.

When the oil supply continues to run lean and a gallon of gas doubles from $1.75 to $3.50...I'm sure Bush will have a GREAT chance of getting re-elected next November.

Since you claim to know so much about economics, have you considered how the Auto industry might respond to higher gas prices?

When I was in England last summer, gas was 80p a liter, which translates to about $4.78 a gallon. Gee, maybe that's the reason why the Brits tend to drive smaller cars with smaller displacement engines (1.2L - 2.5L) than we do? I'd never be able to afford my 4.3L Blazer over there.

So gas tops out at $3-$4 a gallon here...all of sudden people would stop driving their 5.0 Mustangs and behemoth SUVs, and smaller cars (and hybrid electrics like the Toyota and the Honda ones) would become very popular. Oil consumption would drop off sharply, and Bush & Co. would still be fucked.

And he STILL wouldn't get elected next year.

Your response, Professor?

You really are an idiot, aren't you?
Re: Re: Where do we put all this oil?!?

Originally posted by Warthog

When the oil supply continues to run lean and a gallon of gas doubles from $1.75 to $3.50...I'm sure Bush will have a GREAT chance of getting re-elected next November.

So gas tops out at $3-$4 a gallon here...all of sudden people would stop driving their 5.0 Mustangs and behemoth SUVs, and smaller cars (and hybrid electrics like the Toyota and the Honda ones) would become very popular. Oil consumption would drop off sharply, and Bush & Co. would still be fucked.

You really are an idiot, aren't you? [/B]

Actually, RETARD, are you aware (I'm guessing not) that our noble President is the FIRST President in the history of this nation to lobby Congress for major financial incentives for the automakers to develop hydrogen fuel cells for use in the mass consumer market. If GB gets his way, someday we'll all be breathing cleaner air, preserving the ozone layer, and no longer dependent on Saudi oil. No more gas stations. No more smog. Funny the liberals all claim that the Republicans don't care about the environment, when it was a Republican that made the first drastic move to improve it.

Warthogs are stupid.
Re: Re: Re: Where do we put all this oil?!?

Originally posted by metal slut
Actually, RETARD, are you aware (I'm guessing not) that our noble President is the FIRST President in the history of this nation to lobby Congress for major financial incentives for the automakers to develop hydrogen fuel cells for use in the mass consumer market. If GB gets his way, someday we'll all be breathing cleaner air, preserving the ozone layer, and no longer dependent on Saudi oil. No more gas stations. No more smog. Funny the liberals all claim that the Republicans don't care about the environment, when it was a Republican that made the first drastic move to improve it.

Warthogs are stupid.
:mad:Why don't you drag your ass into a political forum...:p:p:p:p:p


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Re: Re: Re: Where do we put all this oil?!?

Originally posted by metal slut
Actually, RETARD, are you aware (I'm guessing not) that our noble President is the FIRST President in the history of this nation to lobby Congress for major financial incentives for the automakers to develop hydrogen fuel cells for use in the mass consumer market.

Noble my ass! He wouldn't have done that if the every environmental watchdog group and every other treehugger in this country wasn't up his ass and around the corner over the whole ANWR issue. And by your own logic - why would Bush promote hydrogen research if his financial well-being is staked in oil?

The hydrogen fuel cell issue has been around for years - ever since we realized that the world's oil supplies do indeed have limits (we've already pumped Pennsylvania dry), and that we need a solution. There have been tax credits for electric cars and millions pumped into alternate fuel research. Bush made his half-hearted push for hydrogen fuel cells not because he's environmentally concerned, but because his advisors told him it would be politically savvy. Don't hand Bush laurels he doesn't deserve.


If GB gets his way, someday we'll all be breathing cleaner air, preserving the ozone layer, and no longer dependent on Saudi oil.No more gas stations. No more smog.

Not if he keeps raising gas mileage requirements. Not if he allows the petroleum industry to be exempt from water pollution rules and regs. Not if he keeps tearing up miles of virgin Alaskan wilderness just so his rich lobbyist buddies can still power their 12-cylinder Mercedes S600s from Bethesda to Capitol Hill.

Bush isn't crusading for cleaner air. He's caving to pressure from those who truly are. Thank god.

Funny the liberals all claim that the Republicans don't care about the environment, when it was a Republican that made the first drastic move to improve it.




To call Bush an environmentalist is to call the Backstreet Boys death metal.

Warthogs are stupid.

If you're going to talk out your ass, why don't you eat a few books so your crap will actually contain some substantive info?


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
Re: Re: Re: Re: Where do we put all this oil?!?

Originally posted by Warthog
Noble my ass! He wouldn't have done that if the every environmental watchdog group and every other treehugger in this country wasn't up his ass and around the corner over the whole ANWR issue. And by your own logic - why would Bush promote hydrogen research if his financial well-being is staked in oil?

The hydrogen fuel cell issue has been around for years - ever since we realized that the world's oil supplies do indeed have limits (we've already pumped Pennsylvania dry), and that we need a solution. There have been tax credits for electric cars and millions pumped into alternate fuel research. Bush made his half-hearted push for hydrogen fuel cells not because he's environmentally concerned, but because his advisors told him it would be politically savvy. Don't hand Bush laurels he doesn't deserve.


Not if he keeps raising gas mileage requirements. Not if he allows the petroleum industry to be exempt from water pollution rules and regs. Not if he keeps tearing up miles of virgin Alaskan wilderness just so his rich lobbyist buddies can still power their 12-cylinder Mercedes S600s from Bethesda to Capitol Hill.

Bush isn't crusading for cleaner air. He's caving to pressure from those who truly are. Thank god.




To call Bush an environmentalist is to call the Backstreet Boys death metal.

If you're going to talk out your ass, why don't you eat a few books so your crap will actually contain some substantive info?