what is a nazi band doing at WOA 2004?

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12 Aug. 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hey, just saw that Mayhem is going to appear in 2004. What? I thought the organizers were doing an anti-nazi theme this year. Why let an openly nazi band perform then? Makes no sense to me. I really hope they throw Mayhem off the bill, because I'm not up for attending any festival where they play.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Hell I have nazi punks friend. And I am not listening to their music and they dont listen to my music eather. What the fuck is your problem just because one band you wont go to the festival?There is not just one stage...


12 Aug. 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
you have nazi friends, eh?

The company you keep says a lot about you....

Why should I PAY to watch a band that spouts racial hatred and advocates driving people like me out of Europe? Yes, I'm not European - I just live and work here.

Now, if WOA is going to be the kind of festival where non-Europeans are not allowed, or where people like you sit back and dont give a fart about a Nazi presence, then that's cool - just get it out in the open so I know not to attend. Put a big sign up outside that says "Slegs blankes" like they used to have in my home country South Africa, and then I'll know that I'm not welcome.

Maybe nazism is something you have the luxury of ignoring, but for some people, it's a serious problem.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Re: you have nazi friends, eh?

Originally posted by Shukri
The company you keep says a lot about you....

Why should I PAY to watch a band that spouts racial hatred and advocates driving people like me out of Europe? Yes, I'm not European - I just live and work here.

Now, if WOA is going to be the kind of festival where non-Europeans are not allowed, or where people like you sit back and dont give a fart about a Nazi presence, then that's cool - just get it out in the open so I know not to attend. Put a big sign up outside that says "Slegs blankes" like they used to have in my home country South Africa, and then I'll know that I'm not welcome.

Maybe nazism is something you have the luxury of ignoring, but for some people, it's a serious problem.
damn fuckin right man!!!!! :)
seems to get worse.................


12 Aug. 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
no, that's definitely not what I heard

Originally posted by DISGORGE
Mayhem arent nazis, where the FUCK do you get that idea???

Thordis> The old frontman of Mayhem, Euronymous, was a diehard communist for some time. I guess thats what youve heard

this is from a Hellhammer interview in Cadla Magazine, Autumn 1998 :

"... I myself am not into this "left wing shit" of course ; I'm not a fucking communist. I really detest them.... you could say that I'm anti-communist. I'm an anti-alot-of-things."


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Re: yep

Originally posted by Shukri
I've got a few interviews and articles lying in a box somewhere. Digging it up now - need to scan a few pics. Includes a pic of Necrobutcher infront of a swastika flag. I'll get back to you in a day or two.
You know the Böhse Onkelz play as well, do you? They are also a nazi band. Zodiac Mindwarp also used to wear swastikas. They're playing too. Slayer last year, and now this. I'm not too sure about Cannibal Corpse, though. What are the members' political views?