Ticket Exchange 2014

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21 Okt. 2008
Plymouth, UK
Hi, I bought my ticket for WOA14 on an impulse without knowing if I actually could attend due to how quickly they were selling. It turns out that I won't be able to attend the festival.

Does anyone know when the official ticket exchange will be coming online?



W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Apr. 2005
zuhause in Niedersachsen
Hi, I bought my ticket for WOA14 on an impulse without knowing if I actually could attend due to how quickly they were selling. It turns out that I won't be able to attend the festival.

Does anyone know when the official ticket exchange will be coming online?


SOON ! that´s all what Metaltix said yet.

So have always a look at the News and u´ll get when it starts.