that band was goddess of desire, the new band of some members of the dutch 80s legend defender! but they don't play this style of power metal that most people call "true metal" today. they sound like a mixture of carnivore, venom and motörhead! i like their sound and the live shows are fantastic, with fire spitting, dancing girls, impaled skulls etc. etc.
i don't care about such small problems as band english. i am very much into japanese metal and these bands skeak REALLY bad english

... bands from greece and italy as well!
i like steel preacher very much! of course the song structures are kind of simple, but i think that complicated and progressive song structures would not fit them at all! and running wild's songs are also veeery simple structured

... their last albums did all sound exactly the same! and the drum computer running wild use is really bad :-D
i would always prefair to listen to a band like steelpreacher to listening to one of the boring helloween- and maidenclones of today! but that's just my opinion