Replacement for Arch Enemy, Crematory & Motorhead?!

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13 Juli 2013
1. First of, is there coming a replacement for Arch Enemy at all? :confused:

09.04.2013 17:36

Today we sadly have to announce that the Swedish metal heroes Arch Enemy had to cancel all their European festival appearances including their Wacken Open Air performance. The reason for the cancellation seem to be private family matters.

Here is the official statement:
"It is with great disappointment that we have to cancel our shows at European festivals this summer. The reason for this being private family matters that demand our full attention, making it difficult to fulfill our commitments in that time frame. We are currently looking into the possibility of rescheduling these festival slots for next year. We would like to thank the festival promoters, and of course the fans for their understanding and continued support. We will use this downtime to finish up the work on our upcoming DVD/Blu-ray and continue with the songwriting process of the next Arch Enemy album. We look forward to seeing you all in 2014! Metal on!"

We are currently busy with engaging a worthy replacement.

Stay tuned!

W:O:A team

Who was that replacement? There haven't been any news to this matter yet, and the festival is about to go off?!

2. Plus there is also rumours about Motorhead is going to cancel, and the Wacken gig has now been removed from the "Tours" on their official website


Regretfully, Motörhead announces it has had to cancel its remaining six summer festival appearances. The band hate to let their fans down by missing any shows, but they expect to be back in full force this Fall.

As you may have heard, earlier this Spring Lemmy had some medical maintenance for the long-term good, He was, at that time, advised to rest, but once feeling better, he of course resumed his life as usual. He has since been advised that he should immediately take some more time to rest

Lemmy says: I'd like to thank everyone who wish me well, it was a tough
decision for me as I don't like to disappoint the fans especially in times where
economy is bad and people spent their money to see us. But sometimes you
can't do anything else than following doctor's orders, but be sure we will be
back and kick everybody's ass.

There you have it! You can now stop worrying, redirect those cards, flowers and chocolates to a loved one (who will appreciate them far more), keep calm and carry on! Lemmy and Motörhead certainly are! Thanks and see you in the Fall for their new album in the form of a massive Aftershock...

Are we going to get a replacement?

3. Crematory has cancelled - who is going to fill in this slot, the news says nothing about a replacement :confused:

I really hope we are going to get some good names soon - what do you think? Are the crew waiting for a "big" release, or are we all going to get dissapointed?? :rolleyes:



W:O:A Metalhead
15 März 2010
3) The Running Order now says TBA where earlyer today Crematory took place. I don't want to start any rumors but I think the replacement will have a similarly significance.


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Juni 2012
Meshuggah got the slot Arch Enemy had, they just weren't announced as the replacement, but were ment to be.
Little misscommunication there :)


13 Juli 2013
Great guys! Thanks for your info - very much appreciated :) Especially the part with Arch Enemy/Meshuggah, I did not know that - but it totally makes sense although I'd wish it had been posted as "the replacement" :angel:

Motorhead is indeed playing I also read this on Metal Hammer .de ! Yeehhaaa! ;)

So only Crematory is left ... hmm ... who could it be? :)
- I really cross my fingers for a good international act - not necessarily a band of the exact same genre, and not necessarily a band from Germany - it could be anything from anywhere (Let me see ... Sweden? ;) ) as long as it's big and a great surprise - like when we got Gojira for As I Lay Dying - which I am personally very happy for :KO:

SKÅL from Denmark!