Remaining merch stock from W:O:A 2016 and the new W:O:A 2017 collection for sale!

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11 Sep. 2016
2016 shirts down to FOTL Valueweight


I just received some 2016 "Main" shirts for my friends who didn't get any at the festival (sold out).
I got mine at the festival for €20. :D
Mine is FOTL Heavycotton Quality and the ones that I received now are only FOTL Valueweight. The price however is the same: €20.
Somewhat disappointing. :(
The Valueweights don't survive more than 3 washes.
My 2017 "special" shirt, which came with the tickets has also Valueweight.
Washed 3 times at 30° and threads are coming out.
Not nice to wear anymore.

Are you sure it's remaining stock from the festival? :confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Juli 2010
Oberbayern am Land :-D

I just received some 2016 "Main" shirts for my friends who didn't get any at the festival (sold out).
I got mine at the festival for €20. :D
Mine is FOTL Heavycotton Quality and the ones that I received now are only FOTL Valueweight. The price however is the same: €20.
Somewhat disappointing. :(
The Valueweights don't survive more than 3 washes.
My 2017 "special" shirt, which came with the tickets has also Valueweight.
Washed 3 times at 30° and threads are coming out.
Not nice to wear anymore.

Are you sure it's remaining stock from the festival? :confused:

Unwahrscheinlich, dass dein Einwand hier gelesen wird.

Die Beiträge in diesem Unterforum (WOA Forum > W:O:A News > English News) werden automatisch von einem sog. Newsbot aus den auf der Wacken-News-Page (Deutsch- und Englischsprachig) geposteten Beiträgen hierher ins Forum übertragen und verlinkt.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

I just received some 2016 "Main" shirts for my friends who didn't get any at the festival (sold out).
I got mine at the festival for €20. :D
Mine is FOTL Heavycotton Quality and the ones that I received now are only FOTL Valueweight. The price however is the same: €20.
Somewhat disappointing. :(
The Valueweights don't survive more than 3 washes.
My 2017 "special" shirt, which came with the tickets has also Valueweight.
Washed 3 times at 30° and threads are coming out.
Not nice to wear anymore.

Are you sure it's remaining stock from the festival? :confused:

Like luna says.

I reckon you'll have more chance to get a reply in the German section.
And you do speak German! Unlike the rest of the world. :ugly:


11 Sep. 2016
Hi Quark,
I posted here because some of my friends who came all the way from NZ for this year festival sent me the link to this thread and asked me if I could order. So I thought I should reply here in English.
In Germany (maybe EU) you can always sent the stuff back if you dissatisfied (14 days return). People from outside the EU do you have the same right!
Unless metaltix gives that right voluntarily...


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hi Quark,
I posted here because some of my friends who came all the way from NZ for this year festival sent me the link to this thread and asked me if I could order. So I thought I should reply here in English.
In Germany (maybe EU) you can always sent the stuff back if you dissatisfied (14 days return). People from outside the EU do you have the same right!
Unless metaltix gives that right voluntarily...

The country where you buy it, "decides" the rules.
So yes, they do as well. It's bought in Germany, so German laws apply here. Regardless from where you come from.


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Juli 2010
Oberbayern am Land :-D
Hi Quark,
I posted here because some of my friends who came all the way from NZ for this year festival sent me the link to this thread and asked me if I could order. So I thought I should reply here in English.
In Germany (maybe EU) you can always sent the stuff back if you dissatisfied (14 days return). People from outside the EU do you have the same right!
Unless metaltix gives that right voluntarily...

Der Widerruf von im Fernabsatz bestellten Waren ist in Deutschland gesetzlich geregelt.
Da die Vertragssprache eines in Deutschland ansässigen Onlineshops natürlich ebenfalls Deutsch ist, findest du die deutschsprachige Widerrufsbelehrung von Metaltix unter:

Der etwaige Wideruf muss vom Käufer unter Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben direkt dem Shop gegenüber erklärt werden.
Ein Forenbeitrag irgendwo in einem Forum, selbst wenn das User-Forum zum Open Air gehört, erfüllt nicht die vom Gesetzgeber für einen gültigen Widerruf geforderten Übermittlungswege.