Portuguese native speaker + @ Sodomy&Rosk

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Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern

is someone in there who knows portuguese quite well and could to me some translations (easy letters) every now and then?!

@ Sodomy y Rosk: Today I got a letter saying that the young Bolivian girl I sponsored left the project in June :/ - now I'll sponsor a child from Brazil. I wanted to thank you very very much for all the quick help during the 6 months! Danke!


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Sodomy&Rosk? :D:D I always knew Rosk was a lustful guy!! :D

It's really a pity that with the bolivian girl, Thordis! It was a great pleasure helping you!

I think I could do translations from portuguese to english/german, but in the other direction it would be almost impossible for me...... :(


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

I could help you in the same way Pablo can do. From the portuguese in the english/german language would not be a big problem. This would be done very quick and would be easy for me.

If you need to translate something into the portuguese then I can help you out as well. No problem. Just send me the letters to my eMail. Do you have the adress?


Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
I'd need translations from German/English to Portugues. Not too difficult, I'm writing to a 9 year old girl. Just telling something about life in Austria and so on ;)
The letters I get back are usually translated.

I'm not having your e-mail yet, but you can PM it to me. Thanks!


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Thordis V. schrieb:

is someone in there who knows portuguese quite well and could to me some translations (easy letters) every now and then?!

@ Sodomy y Rosk: Today I got a letter saying that the young Bolivian girl I sponsored left the project in June :/ - now I'll sponsor a child from Brazil. I wanted to thank you very very much for all the quick help during the 6 months! Danke!

Hey Thordis, it was great to help you translating. Feel free to ask anything else you need, I'm always glad to help :)

Why did this Dubeysi (sp?) left the program??? I really hope she will be fine.

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Hei Rosk,

I'll type the letter I got:

Estimada senora:

Aprovecho la oportunidad para desearle las mas ricas bendictiones de Dios para su vida.
Quiero empezar indicando que quien le scribe es el Coordinator del proyecto 'La lumbrera' donde estuvo astitiendo de manera su nina patrocinada Dubeysi Mildred Flores Puma, hoy lamento comunicarle que ella nos abandono de manera definitiva, pese a los enormes que hicimos durante todo este tiempo para que ella se quedara y adaptara con nosotros. Debo manifestarle que su carta donde envió una postal, pero debito a la irregularidad de su asistencia, le respondo que el mismo se debe a que ella no tuvo la aceptation adecuada de sus companeros y algunos padres de familia del proceyto por problemas de contucta y la falta de integridad demostrada por ella y su madre durante el ano pasado como el presente. Frente a esta realidad y una vez asumida la responsibilidad del proyecto, mi persona trato de apoyar a la madre y al a nina con trabaj formativo y refelxivo, intentando hacer que ellas cambien su conducta y actitud, pero al mismo no tuva una repuesta positiva, si no un total rechazo y actitud de soberbia a nuestra ayuda, hecho que derivo en su asistencia irregular hasta la desaparacion definitiva de la familia sin ninguna notification del proyecto. Hechas la averiguaciones al poco de lo sucedido de la desparicion, vistitamos al lugar donde vivan y nos enteramos que habian ddejado la vivenda donde radicaban y que se habian trasloadado o otro barrio alejado en la misma ciudad y cuya direccion es desconosido. Es por esta razon que su ultima carta tampoco fue recibida y contestada por ella, lamento profundamente que esto termine asi. Es a nombre de ella que hoy quiero agradecerle por toda la ayuda que usted presto a Dubeysi, puesto que el mismo redundo de una u otra manera en benficio de ella y sua familia, muchas graciasd tambien por tener un cortazon tan generoso y solidario para con las personas necesitades, ruego a DFios siga bendiciendo su vida haciendo realidad todos sus planes y deseos.

Haciendo reiterativo mi enorme gratiud por todo el apoyo recibido de su persona, me despido muy respetuosamente.


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Damn Thordis, it's a shame that this happened this way. But there's no much you can do if they don't want to recieve help... but It's very cool you keep sponsoring kids, I'm proud of you ;) :)

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
I brought the letter yesterday to the post office because I was so busy recently... got a new job and university was giving me a lot of work too... so I have to wait for a while for a reply I guess.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Thordis V. schrieb:

is someone in there who knows portuguese quite well and could to me some translations (easy letters) every now and then?!

@ Sodomy y Rosk: Today I got a letter saying that the young Bolivian girl I sponsored left the project in June :/ - now I'll sponsor a child from Brazil. I wanted to thank you very very much for all the quick help during the 6 months! Danke!
im being replaced! :D