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This is similar to band suggestions but for host/other acts. For next year due to the horror theme, I would like to see Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. List other suggestions here. It is fun to dream up the possibilities.
But why a host and band transition at all? I personally prefer no talking between bands. Possibly excepting sound check, band members and the actual hosts, I guess.
Now I need to look up Elvira, because I remember seeing her show as a birthday party event as a child. Is it a new one, or is she an actual vampire then?
I can agree with no break except for sound checks. She maybe a vamp, still a fox after all these years. However if I am not mistaken Wacken does more than have bands play, there are themes, parades, and actors dressed up. She has ties to horror flicks going back and this upcoming theme is in her realm. Either way I respect the open opinion. Thanks