Free MP3 compilation COCKROCKDISCO

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23 Jan. 2006
FREE! Cock Rock Disco 2006 Compilation FREE!

We are proud to present a free Mp3 compilation by the artists at Cock Rock Disco! But we know you are asking yourself, “why should I download this?” Because it contains almost 60 minutes of the best new music, some text about each of the artists and 2 printable covers for your home collection, uh, and it’s FREE! Wait, did we say new music? No, we meant absolutely fantastic new music ranging from gameboy deathmetal, to alt-noise-hiphop, to breakcore, to italio disco, to thrash-composition. Trust us, there’s something for everyone here. Just follow the link above, and definitely tell your friends!

Total run time: 57:02

1. Food For Animals - Elephants 01:45
2. About - Think Niles Drink 03:32
3. Duran Duran Duran - Ralez 04:27
4. Dev/Null - Scary 03:57
5. Next Life - Red Stone 02:02
6. Stunt Rock - I've Really Lost It Because This Shit Is Starting To Sound Like Washed-Up, Half-Assed Fatboy Slim Ripoff With A Twelve Year Old's Sense Of Humor. 01:50
7. Slepcy - With Charles Bukowski On The Ride 05:23
8. Audiogarde - Mardi Gras 04:27
9. Don Augusto - The House Denominator Factor 02:53
10. Drumcorps - Saddest 01:17
11. Vorpal - Gymnopedie_v1.01 03:17
12. Terminal 11 - Counter Clockwise Chant Pattern 03:41
13. Doormouse - Dizzay 03:14
14. Pisstank - Punching Your Girlfriend's Cunt 'Til It Bleeds 04:49--
15. The Assdroids - Stravinsky’s “Rite Of Spring” Cover Song (Rehearsal Version) 10:31