Accommodation in Amsterdam wanted!

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W:O:A Metalmaster
17 Dez. 2010
Hey folks! A good friend of mine is in desperate need for an affordable accommodation in Amsterdam from November 2020 til February 2021. During that time she works as an intern in Amsterdam and unfortunalety rents there are astronomically high, espescially for students (We're talking about 700€/month for a 10m² room).
That being said i'm hoping, that one of you might know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody....
I'm very grateful for every tip you guys can give me.




W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland

Not right away. But I did also see your facebook post. if I hear something about a free room/apartment/house/mansion I will let you know.

Do you know where in amsterdam the internship will be?
The public transport around amsterdam is quite good, so sometimes it's a lot cheaper to live just outside of amsterdam and take the train.
I live next to a train station and can be in some parts of amsterdam in 20 minutes.
Though going all the way to the other side of the city might take up to an hour.

Though, maybe during this pandemic you don't want to go by public transport.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Not right away. But I did also see your facebook post. if I hear something about a free room/apartment/house/mansion I will let you know.

Do you know where in amsterdam the internship will be?
The public transport around amsterdam is quite good, so sometimes it's a lot cheaper to live just outside of amsterdam and take the train.
I live next to a train station and can be in some parts of amsterdam in 20 minutes.
Though going all the way to the other side of the city might take up to an hour.

Though, maybe during this pandemic you don't want to go by public transport.
Or you do! Because it's not that full as it used to be!
Though, in the center of Amsterdam I doubt it. 'Cause of its car free zones.
But if in the Zuidas (south), it's decently accessable by train/tram.