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  1. Sweet_Lapis

    Spotify top Artist

    Wer waren dieses Jahr auf Spotify eure top Artist? Bei mir war es amaranthe
  2. Careo

    70K Before Wacken 2013

    Come on the thread says, let's SPAM to get 70.000 posts in this thread until Wacken 2013! :cool:
  3. xforeverxmetalx

    50K Before Wacken 2012

    How about this, everyone? :D We got about 26K total last year. We'll have to step it up a lot. But we've done far more in past years. I figured it'd be a reasonable challenge. :D For you new people who don't know what's going on: basically, our goal is to achieve 50000 posts in this thread...
  4. Lady_Wolf

    250K part 2

    continue here after 63.000
  5. MetalViking

    250,000 before W:O:A 09!

    Yes thats right, i went there and made this thread :eek: Will it catch on? who knows Lets Start the Party :D
  6. Smoo_lord

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    Righto spammers.. fucking warm up your keyboards... you have done the 25K ! And the 50K! THIS is a challenge This is a call to arms! Let the Spam begin!
  7. agresionpower

    WOA pub #1 all spammers have a beer

    now this is how it works... everytime we have 1000 post we make a new pub with a new title... and in the mean time you can spam about anything you like :p
  8. Megatherion

    Welches Bandshirt tragt ihr gerade ?

    Achtung Spam-Thread ! Die Idee ist aussem englischen Forum gemopst und ich habe sogar die Suchfunktion bemüht und keinen Thread zu dem Thema gefunden.... Sacred Steel - Wargods Of Metal TS