slam for wacken

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  1. CorvinCocksmoker

    Signs of the Swarm (SLAM FOR WACKEN) ⛧

    Hi there with Acranium and Goat Ripper we had some pretty good Slam this Year Let´s bring some more extreme Metal to ⛧Wacken⛧
  2. CorvinCocksmoker

    Hollow Prophet (SLAM FOR WACKEN) ⛧

    Hi there with Acranium and Goat Ripper we had some pretty good Slam this Year Let´s bring some more extreme Metal to ⛧Wacken⛧
  3. CorvinCocksmoker

    Shadow of Intent (SLAM FOR WACKEN)

    Hi there with Acranium and Goat Ripper we had some pretty good Slam acts this year let´s bring some more obscure extreme Metal Bands to Wacken ;)
  4. CorvinCocksmoker

    Anaal Nathrakh (SLAM FOR WACKEN)

    Hi there with Acranium and Goat Ripper we had some pretty good Slam acts this year let´s bring some more obscure extreme Metal Bands to Wacken ;)