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I have read all the information regarding the access pass for the vehicles, but something still eludes me:
Do I need an access pass if I do not camp? I plan to come with a vehicle each day, park and walk to the festival grounds.
Hi everyone, I am traveling with a group of 7 people from the U.S. to Wacken and plan to:
Rent a big van
Drive to the festival
Right after the festival; we will embark on an awesome Scandinavian road trip.
My question is: what things we should consider before heading to the festival with a...
Due to some unforseen setbacks i will only be able to arrive in Wacken thursdaynight, friday, or maybe even fridaynight. My friends will already be there and they will put up my tent and stuff for me.
I have no hope of being able to park my car anywhere near them (if at all) at the camping...