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Hallo an alle, wir sind auf der Suche nach Testmusikern!
Jammen im Internet
ist erst in den Startlöchern, und wird eine Plattform für Musiker
auf der man via Videochat spontan jammen kann.
Wenn ihr mehr erfahren wollt und up to date bleiben wollt, dann
tragt euch...
I'm a music producer currently based in Cardiff always on the lookout for new bands to work with. I have been lucky enough to work with some great people over the year and share the studio with some amazing producers and engineers.
I have links with various studios around Cardiff or I am...
I'm a music producer currently based in Cardiff always on the lookout for new bands to work with. I have been lucky enough to work with some great people over the year and share the studio with some amazing producers and engineers.
I have links with various studios around Cardiff or I am...
I'm a music producer currently based in Cardiff always on the lookout for new bands to work with. I have been lucky enough to work with some great people over the year and share the studio with some amazing producers and engineers.
I have links with various studios around Cardiff or I am...
Here are all the bands that have music on Spotify, over two weeks with metal! Enjoy!
Hello !!
I tried to search everywhere on the site but couldn't find any info about it, just a 6yo post heading to this link : but I cannot find anything.
Someone knows where to look for plz ?
Thanks a lot !