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  1. My Friends Can't Dance

    Mein Wackenvideo 2023 - Welcome to the mud

    Es hat viel zu lange gedauert, aber jetzt ist es endlich fertig:
  2. F

    Rain and mud boots

    When i was at Wacken 2012, it rained so much, rubber boots were a necessity and it was deep mud the entire time. Is this usual? Is it like that every year? Should I bring my mudboots in 2023?
  3. sam3k

    Parking in Wacken 2017

    Hi everyone, I am traveling with a group of 7 people from the U.S. to Wacken and plan to: Rent a big van Drive to the festival Right after the festival; we will embark on an awesome Scandinavian road trip. My question is: what things we should consider before heading to the festival with a...