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  1. chrichrifi

    Keine Antwort auf Mailanfragen

    Hallo ihr Lieben, hat irgendjemand Erfahrung damit, wie lange es dauern kann, bis man eine Antwort auf eine Mail bekommt? Hab der Accomodation Adresse vor zwei Wochen Fragen geschrieben, auch nach Rückfrage nichts...dann Anfang dieser Woche alles ans Headquarter weitergeleitet, aber dort bisher...
  2. L

    (sold) TE.N.T. - Heavy Metal Sleep Box for sale

    Hi, I'd like to sell my ticket for one of those Heavy Metal Sleep Boxes. Price: 430€ Original price: 530€ (Which means you'd save 100€ compared to the official price) I would just be very glad to find someone, who wants to have it. Link to the information about the object on the official...
  3. D

    Offer accomodation

    Hi, as we got to know lots of friendly and open-minded people visiting the WOA during the last years, we decided to support some of you folks this year. We offer you an accomodation in a wooden hut in our garden for the days around the festivals for 2-4 people. It is very cozy and has a...
  4. J

    Offering two-bed cabin on board MS Wacken River Hotel

    Anyone looking for the perfect accomodation during Wacken OPEN AIR 2014? I have to offer my 4-night cabin on board of MS Wacken. 4 nights with breakfast in a cabin for 2 persons (Wed 30th July - Sun 03rd August) Shower, Toilette Frequent bus shuttle to/from the festival area Free...
  5. J

    Übernachtung auf der MS Wacken abzugeben

    Ich muss leider meine gebuchte Zweibettkabine auf der MS Wacken (MS Wacken River Hotel) abgeben. gebucht: Mi. 30.07.2014 - So. 03.08.2014 Zweibettkabine mit Dusche/WC incl. Frühstück und regelmäßigem Busshuttle zum Festivalgelände (ohne W:O:A Festivalticket). Ich konnte letztes Jahr...
  6. N

    Choosing accomodation and looking for to share a car WOA2014

    Hello to everyone!!! I'm preparing my first WOA experience. I will travel from Spain with a collegue and we want to stay on a Hotel to try to survive the 3 days. The nearest places with available rooms and cheap are on Barmstedt and Bad Bramstedt. The second one is better quality and the...