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  1. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    im going to go make hamburgers now ill be back eventually my hunger is getting the best of me now
  2. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    yeah mine too but on karls they stuck forever
  3. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    yes it is yes it is
  4. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    i know right so i can get food soon
  5. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    yeah but the carpets were karls house
  6. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

  7. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    man i loves crickets......sorry that was unnecessary
  8. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    i want some so i can stick strange things to walls
  9. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    i gave up drugs and smoking awhile back, but i drink
  10. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    i feel asleep on my keyboard a few times its not fun leaves strange marks on your face
  11. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    mighty putty!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    nope not in the least bit
  13. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    and thanks to you i do too hurray alice cooper
  14. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    wow thats awesome im still tired and i have had like 9 hours of sleep
  15. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    i wanna meet the guy who does 100 in a row cause that would mean he has a really strong liver
  16. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    see poisoning is bad
  17. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    wow that was like noonish 24 hours for ya
  18. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    99 bottles of beer at the end of 99 bottles of beer the man drinking the beer is probably going through the late stages of alcohol poisoning
  19. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    you have been up since________ fill in the blank
  20. Slex

    100K in 100 DAYS before WOA:08!!

    great i didnt miss the best part of that song the end where everyone is hammered lol