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  1. ThePentagenarian

    The Wacken Hot Tub (General Chat)

    I am not sure if this is the proper place for this, but, here goes... As I have been wanting to do this for about 10 years, I wanted to do something different. I will be posting reaction videos every Wednesday for the bands on the roster this year for a series called simply - The Road to...
  2. ThePentagenarian

    Working... Or Editing... Or DMing...

    Working... Or Editing... Or DMing...
  3. ThePentagenarian

    Newbie introductions

    PS - if anyone on this forum who is stateside has never heard of Spinal Tap, just send me your tickets now...
  4. ThePentagenarian

    Newbie introductions

    It has been a LONG time since I was a "Newbie" in, well hell, just about anything. Am I correct in assuming that a veritable shitton of bands are still to be added to the lineup? I have seen the Scorpions about a dozen times since the "Blackout" album. LOL Amon Amarth would be fun, even...
  5. ThePentagenarian

    Newbie introductions

    Old Newbie Age: 55 (56 when I will attend) Favorite Type of Music: Yes Favorite Band: Anything with Carl McCoy in it. Favorite Beer: Most anything NOT manufactured in the US. Favorite Liquor: If it is not gin, I am in. About myself: When I am not working at my job repairing industrial...