Need people to go with to Wacken!

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30 Mai 2009
Hong Kong

First of all, if this post is not in the right section, I apologise for that!

My message is a bit peculiar; here is my story:

I was meant to go to Wacken with my boyfriend but we broke up and so I don't have anybody to go with anymore.

I cannot imagine not going to Wacken but on the other hand going on my own is not very fun. Therefore, I am looking for some people who would be kind enough to accept a French girl of 26 in their group for these 3 days of metal madness.

It would be of course better to exchange first to see if we can get along (it would be very bad to realise we hate one another only when we get there) so you can contact me at this address:

Thanks in advance to my savior(s) ;)


Lord Soth


First of all, if this post is not in the right section, I apologise for that!

My message is a bit peculiar; here is my story:

I was meant to go to Wacken with my boyfriend but we broke up and so I don't have anybody to go with anymore.

I cannot imagine not going to Wacken but on the other hand going on my own is not very fun. Therefore, I am looking for some people who would be kind enough to accept a French girl of 26 in their group for these 3 days of metal madness.

It would be of course better to exchange first to see if we can get along (it would be very bad to realise we hate one another only when we get there) so you can contact me at this address:

Thanks in advance to my savior(s) ;)


maybe sou could ask those people in the "Camp for single Wacken visitors without company" (in the german part of the forum), I don't think they should despise a funny, kind, open-minded metalhead from outside amongst their camp, so... go ahead, and good luck!;)