Worst drinking experiences

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23 Dez. 2001

This happned to me the 1st time I was at Wacken, I think it was in 2000...
M and a friend were only 18 back then and arranged this journey all by ourselves, it was quite cool, to travel alone without any parents or school or any shit like that...
Well to keep things simple we felt kind of rock n roll if u know what I mean...
We brought several liters of booze (about 4 liters martini, 2 l jenever, some tequila and shit like that) and then we went to town where we bought 24 half liter cans of beer... We bumped into this friend of mine from California, Megan. SO around noon we started drinking, mixing beer with heavier stuff...
Around 20 pm we eh were like allready quite fucked up, I was acting like a member of the self invented "fuck police", shouting loud with my lamp shining everywhere on the campgrounds "this is the fucking police, no fucking in the car, bastards!"
then we went to the Headbangers ballrom where we swwitched to vodka n stuff, my friend went over to another table where he made friends with this really evil looking viking kind of drunkard with a whole bottle of vodka in front of him...
Well he let my friend drink a lot from it, so I, daring for once, just stood up n took the bottle n took a huge sip from it yet this guy (like 6ft3, 200 pounds, beard etc) is getting totally pissed...
Then my friend tried to smoke some real genuine woa HBallroom grass with .
Well to make a long story short, it ended up around 1 am when we had fallen asleep quasi on top of eachother on the table, and some drunk germans were jumping on it and we didnt notice
Megan then took Peter to our tent and left me alona asleep and so drunk I could barely walk on the table...
She came back after like at least 30 minutes to pick me up n drag me there...
Next morning I woke up half in the tent, nearly frozen to death, my legs half outside and everything turning.... Later that night a girl we didnt know at all came up to megan and asked "wxhat had those guys been drinking last night?"....
SO all in all u could say were quite famous overthere by now hahahah


Hm, when I feel my gut going bad due to an alcohol overdose, there are several possible scenarios.

Usually I go to the toilet, there I either puke, or I don't puke, if I puke, I gfeel a lot better, and usually head home pretty fast. If I don't puke, I sit there for lengthy periods of time waiting for the feeling to either go away, or waiting for the puke. After a while I usually give up though, and head home.

Another possibility is that I just fall asleep/pass out, wherever I may be at that time (on the bar, table, floor, whatever), once woken up I head fir my bed.

That being said, of course all those things happened, but it always meant the end of the evening (so far).

As for recent stuff, well, there was a smallish Blind Guardian forum meeting in my town several weeks back, and I just kept on drinking beer, and I really don't remember much of it, ut I saw piccies and heard stories (some people there didn't drink), and apparantly I was more or less lifted up, and we did some weird dancin in a circle to And Then There Was Silence and such. I vaguely remember those things after seeing the pics, but surely I don't think I've ever been that drunk before without the above things (the bad gut feeling and it's consequences) happening (meaning, I just went home, and had a pretty good hangover the next day ;)).

NP: Hammerhead - Heart Made Of Steel


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
The moral of this story is: CHEAP VODKA AND TACOS DONT MIX

After I consumed over half a liter of a bottle of some godforsaken vodka, two friends and I went wandering around Bethesda, which is sort of a "hip" suburb of D.C., with lots of expensive restaurants, clubs, theatres, etc. I made a harmless nuisance of myself...harassing the stuffshirts sitting at the patio tables of fancy restaurants running up $300 bills, bumping into BMWs and setting off the alarms, etc...usually the waiter would come out and threaten to call the cops, and then we'd move on...

Anyhow, we then went to a movie theater and saw that Woody Allen movie "Celebrity". I fell asleep in the first few minutes (great review, right?). Sometime later, I woke up, feeling horribly sick, and ran out of the theater (my friend later told me I put my hand on the head of some girl in front of me to boost up from my seat...that must've been a shock for her). I ran to the trash can...and MISSED! Vomited all over the floor, in the middle of the crowded hallway. The old black woman janitor came up to me and goes, "Oh baby, you're sick...here go take this towel and clean yourself up...oh you got it in your hair, baby!"

After I got out of the bathroom, the janitor was talking to the theater manager, who says, "Son, you're too sick to enjoy the show...come with me." He takes me over to the box office, gives me my my money back (!), says something about, "Damn, you seem like a good kid, maybe I can give you a job here." What the hell?

So he goes off somewhere, and that's when these two Mexican kids who were at the candy stand go, "Hey, man...they're calling the cops on you!" I asked them if there was a back way I could sneak out. One of them says, "Yeah...you got 20 bucks?" I said, "Uh, nevermind."

The manager comes back, says, "Now, you can just wait here until your friends get out of the show." THat's when I said I had to go to the bathroom, and snuck out the front door.

And the cops were already there.

Four squad cars and at least as many officers, all harassing these skater kids hanging out in the front plaza of the theater...one cop was screaming at this kid, "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND AND SHUT UP!" Two cops were walking right for the theater door, so I just walked calmly away. They didn't stop me. I kept walking past, and then I heard one yell, "Hey, YOU! In the blue jacket!"

After that, it was like something out of a bad action movie. Running and knocking down people on the sidewalk...running down an alley way, climbing onto a dumpster to jump over a fence into a car park...ran across the street, nearly getting hit by two cars coming both ways...ducked behind another dumpster behind a Starbucks (damn, did it stink), and that's when the cops gave up on me.

I'll never drink cheap vodka again.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Cheap vodka is ok sometimes, some Polish vodka I drank was very nice, just because it's cheap don't mean it's bad :)

But the episode described must be horrible!
I've done shit that's bad as well, but not ran off from the cops like that :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
worst drinking experience...ahh i got a few

was REALLY pissed off:mad: :(, cant remember why
so i meet up with my mates...then i drank 7 vodkas+coke in 20 minutes....carried on for anther 30 mins got kicked out for bringing other stuff.

then left to go home...fell over fuuck loads of time, i broke my cd palyer, puked a lot..fell over agaon, lost a shirt and cut my self a lot, and then fell over again...on a hill..


W:O:A Metalhead
new years eve 2001 drank to much booze: champain, beer, lots of fruity shit( woodies) of which I didn´t notice the alcohol in and more beer and some free booze, sangría?

vomited on my friends scarf and outside this bar... vomited again in the early morning several times

I lay in agony until supper time

the only thing that was alleviating was Zakk Wylde's book of shadows

i´m never drinking this much again


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
once, i went to my mates easter drinking binge dank looooads of shots of vodka
NEVER felt as legless as i was
couldnt make it to the bus stop....couldnt make it home

believe me, its fuuucking hard to get into a car when yot TOTALLY drunk
had to pull over to puke
puke alllll night

enjoyed it though

Der Helm

W:O:A Metalmaster
2 Nov. 2002
[Hm worst, I am not sure. But it was the most danegous for me.

Me being an inexpierienced drinker (loooong time ago :D) I started talking ot some people who seemed to qquite nice guys(they actually where and even more drunk that me , but thats later) they invited me to a party and I glady joined them in there car. We drove for quite a while, had a real wild party (you know the cornerpissing/furniturebreaking kind of party) and after calling my granny (me being17 at that time :D) i just passed out. I awoke on a stone floor in a room I never saw before (and again :D). I stumbled out of it and found myself in a totaly wrecked flat (not one piece of furniture was unstained/unbroken). everywhere drunk(or dead???) people lied on the floor. I left the flat, met some old granny who looked like she had seen the living dead(quite close to truth) left the house and had NO FUCKING IDEA where I was. It was sunday morning so I sahked the next person (another 80 years old woman) where the fuck I was. In this order

Where AM I ?
HOW DO I get home ???

she was able to give me the direction I needed and 2 hours late I was home.
It took me 2 days to get sober


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Beer for free never more! :D

I am glad my worst experiences and my wildest partying are gone :D...One day my friends told me that in out shitty ass village will be Tatu concert and that I should go with them.I didn't want to,but there was beer for free punk or whatever show in another city.I told my parents that I am going to Tatu show(although it was one week later on).I didn't even have to pay for that show cuz some guys were walking around and told me that I can go with them.Before the show started,I got pretty drunk,met few old friends and so on.
After that i started to be sick and walked upstairs to the club on the four...The concert sucked and after that I realized I felt most sick in my life,so I wanted go sleep...but there was too much cigaret smoke to sleep in the club.So I decided to go home,20km...

Sit in the first door I have seen and thought about what should I do or if I will even survive this and don't get hit by car cause I was really walking like a puppet.I stood up and walked a bit further.Then I sit on my ass and start to vomit on the pavement.I was thinking like:Hey,what is this,I didn't eat that...Finally I decided to lift my ass and go away from there.

Finally I got from the center of the city(and crossed few crossroads,still walking like a puppet)and walked around some factory on pretty fucked up pavement...I don't know how,cause I didn't feel anything,I had just fallen on the pavement (you know it was down the hill so I kinds slide down) and totally scratched my face,teeth and upper lip,so I looked like duck then :DStill after that all I was drunk,and got shocked when I realize thet my jaw hurt and bleed,so I started to ring on first door that I passed.I just started think that it is not a good idea and continued in my way home,still about 18 km far from me...

I started to feel bad about myself so I stopped a car with some gipseys(you know that dirty czech brown yucky people) and they asked me where I wanted to go,my name and I felt so bad about my bleeding face that I was...So they took me to the square and I run home...

Since that I am not so much into beer