Song Titles Game

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W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Okt. 2014
Staffordshire, England
Here is a game that I used to play on the Hellenic Coven (Mercyful Fate and King Diamond Fan Club) forum.

This is how the game is played.
1. You look at the latest post in the thread to get the titles of three songs.
2. You take the last letter of each of these three songs.
3. You choose any three songs for yourself. But the first letter of each your songs must correspond to the last letter of the songs in the previous post.

So I will go first.

DoomSword - For Those who Died with Sword in Hand
Manilla Road - Astronomica
Sabaton - A Lifetime of War

Doc Rock

Master of the Wind einer Dirne
27 Jan. 2011
Shall we cut it down to one title a time?

Iced Earth - Enter the Realm
Combichrist - Sent to Destroy
Overkill - Elimination
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