So how is everyone?

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W:O:A Metalhead
21 Nov. 2005
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Feeling better now that Loose got his house repaired and is feeling better himself, back to doing normal things. Just got back from my car's first routine maintenance and my dad's birthday party. Had BBQ though so the grease does have me feeling like I don't want to eat the rest of the weekend right now :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
catlash schrieb:
Feeling better now that Loose got his house repaired and is feeling better himself, back to doing normal things. Just got back from my car's first routine maintenance and my dad's birthday party. Had BBQ though so the grease does have me feeling like I don't want to eat the rest of the weekend right now :p
Trust me, you'll be hungry tomorrow :S