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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Search / Sell threads have to be moderated, even in the new forum.
This is due to the (expected) high demand on Wacken tickets.

Please, when your thread does not show up immediately, do not create a new one, but wait for a while to see if it is (eventually) approved.

It is not your computer, it is the Forum Software that is doing this.

Thank you very much!


The forum rules of the ticket exchange 2013 are applicable. These rules are mentioned here.

Tickets for the WOA will be sold for the original price, the same applies to offers. Anybody who is offering, or selling it for more, will be banned without comment!
If you try to just add YOUR shipping cossts and/or taxes you had to pay on the price, this is NOT allowed. YOU bought a ticket, you bought SHIPMENT as well. You can however add shipment from your home base to the new buyer of course. But no DOUBLE shipment!
Taxes are at your own charge! YOU bought (a) ticket(s), you should know if you're subjected to taxes. It is not to the new buyer to pay YOUR taxes! In worst case, this could even end up in double tax, which we do not want to, therefore we will avoid it!!!

If a thread is closed/locked, it is no longer useful to react, as the ticket(s) is (are) either sold or found. Not even through a PM!

Ticket requests, in the Flea Market section, that are only written in German will be deleted without comment. The "Flohmarkt" is available for German speaking threads. Please, keep that into consideration! :)

Der Flohmarkt ist geeignet für deutschsprachige Threads. Alle Threads, im Flea Market Bereich, die nur in Deutsch geschrieben worden sind, werden kommentarlos gelöscht. Achtet hier auf bitte!

Tickets seach / selling, done in another language other than English (especially all other languages except Dutch/French), that aren't verifiable, will be deleted without warning! If written as a 2nd language, with English, then it's no problem.
(voor de Nederlandstaligen, toch gevraagd een Engelse versie te geven.
Pour les francophones, prier de quand-même donner une traduction anglaise!)

Unfortunately, due to some people, all SELLERS MUST now INDICATE the price of the ticket! No price = no thread! Some tried to sell, and asked unrealistic prices.
The few destroy it for the rest.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: Kasaroba und GOD


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
To prevent over agressive sellers, one can only open ONE thread about the same thing.

Q: But how can I find my old thread?

A: You go to your own profile. A link can always be found on the top right corner. Then follow the following steps.
  1. Go to your profile (right top corner)
  2. Click on "postings".
  3. Scroll all the way down
  4. Click on "Find all threads of (username) "
And you'll find all threads, you ever created in your entire forum life! (YES, even the old forum threads have been migrated!)

And you know what? If you reply to your own thread, it'll automatically jump to the first page. What a miracle! :ugly:

Easy! :)
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Reaktionen: Kasaroba und GOD


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Small tip: You can take a "prescription" on your thread. This is possible by clicking "Watch Thread", in the upper right corner. Then you choose, either with or without e-mail warning. And it's finished.
Every time, a third person writes into your thread, you will recieve a notification.

For people who aren't that often online, the E-MAIL option is really helpful!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Additional information:
If your thread has been deleted (for whatever reason, except when you happened to be a spambot :ugly: ), you always get send a small "notification". These can be found in the RIGHT upper corner, next to your name (and "conversations"), or, if mobile, right behind your name! Click on it, it'll show a little message. Read them!!!
As it is a small line, those messages are short, straight to the point. They might sometimes be like blunt, but keep in mind, I have a few characters I can use!
If you're a spambot, sorry, no go. You're out. :ugly: No warning, no notifications, nothing. But I reckon you don't care either.
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Reaktionen: Kasaroba
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