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W:O:A Metalhead
24 Nov. 2001
East of the Rhine
mir is grad ma langweilig.

dein vampirname ( )
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Archduchess of The Orient

Known in some parts of the world as:
Death of Green Eyed Cats

The Great Archives Record:
Curious as a cat, merry and mad.

dein piratenname ( )
Apathetic Glynnis Blythe

dein mafianame ( )
Epileptic Lidia Santorini

dein taxifahrername ( ]
Notgoñnaworkhére Washington

dein elbenname ( )
Lúthien Helyanwë

und jetzt mal was auch nützlich is: :D
dein wikingername ( )
Iðunn Ironhorse
(Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "Iðunn Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.)

Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You are strong and tireless, frequently shouldering burdens that would tire lesser women. You might be able to hold your own on the battlefield, but you're no "berserker".

You can handle long sea voyages easily, despite the lack of amenities. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect.

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. You sometimes come off as a bit of a snob. Vikings are not snobbish people -- they either like you, or they kill you. Try to be more like a Viking.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Dez. 2002
Website besuchen
Vampier: Guinevere le Boursier(Demeter of The Danube) :)

Pirat: Sword Jugglin' Hank :D

Mafia: Marco the Brain :rolleyes:

Taxifahrer: Fgenghirankownka Sanders :rolleyes:

Elbenname: Alatariel Elendil (der is schön) :)

WIKINGER: Dufniall the Fearsome
"Your Viking Personality: You're a doughty, stalwart Viking. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You might be able to hold your own on the battlefield, but you're no "berserker".
You can handle long sea voyages easily, despite the lack of amenities. Other Vikings tolerate your presence, though they're not quite sure if they can trust you to fight dirty.
You don't have a lot of tact, so it's lucky Vikings never cared much for diplomacy. The only people who trust you completely are the ones who've never met you." :D:D:D:D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Iron Eddie

W:O:A Metalhead
29 Nov. 2001
Mühlhausen (Kraichgau)
Website besuchen
Vampir: Devil of Slaves In Chains (wenn das nicht böse klingt... :D )

Pirat: "Quadruped" Broderick Scabb (naja...)

Mafia: Headless Luigi Gambino :D

Taxi: Mahmudvök Watson (Yeah, whatever...)

Vikiniger: Beinir the Horrible
Your Viking Personality: You are the quintessential Viking. You are the reason civilized nations tremble in fear. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. As a Viking, you're one of the "berserkers", and rush into battle with no clothes on. If the sight of you naked isn't enough to disable the enemy, your sword certainly will be.

You can handle long sea voyages easily, despite the lack of amenities. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect, though in your case their respect is tinged with fear.

You don't have a lot of tact, so it's lucky Vikings never cared much for diplomacy. The only people who trust you completely are the ones who've never met you.
(Hmmmm, hab ich doch teilweise schon mal so gelesen... :D )


W:O:A Metalhead
15 Nov. 2004
56281 Emmelshausen
Cooole geschichte. :) *direkt ma ausprobiert*


The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:

Orlando Vigée-Lebrun

Known in some parts of the world as:

Hermes of The Vile

The Great Archives Record:

Vile, foul, filthy and greedy: this creature knows nothing of light.
*muhaha* :D


Jelly Wrist Ezekiel
*gnihi* wird ja immer besser. :)


Krass. ^^


Auch net schlecht. :)


Már Quickjaw

Your Viking Personality:
You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You might be able to hold your own on the battlefield, but you're no "berserker".

A long sea voyage aboard a Viking longboat would be difficult for you, but you might be able to manage it. Other Vikings tolerate your presence, though they're not quite sure if they can trust you to fight dirty.

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Due to your gregariousness, you don't strike fear into the hearts of your victims. Try to be a little more surly in the future.
Hm.. Irgendwie habe ich das dumpfe Gefühl ich wäre kein guter Wikinger geworden. *g*


W:O:A Metalhead
2 Jan. 2002
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:

Launcelot Arnauld

Known in some parts of the world as:

Zeus of The Winged Death

The Great Archives Record:

Comes on silent wings in the night and wraps a deadly cloak about the victim; impartial as a die, unyielding as stone.

Pirat: Musket Ball Ted

Mafia: Blood Bath Leo

Taxi: If anyone can pronounce it, you will be called:

Jzhitotåka Brown

Elben: Orodreth Elendil

Your Viking Name is...
Þóðrekr the Fearsome
Your Viking Personality: You're a doughty, stalwart Viking. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. As a Viking, you're one of the "berserkers", and rush into battle with no clothes on. If the sight of you naked isn't enough to disable the enemy, your sword certainly will be.

You can handle long sea voyages easily, despite the lack of amenities. Other Vikings consider you "one of the guys".

You don't have a lot of tact, so it's lucky Vikings never cared much for diplomacy. The only people who trust you completely are the ones who've never met you.


W:O:A Metalmaster
24 Nov. 2001
Baron of Moldovia

Known in some parts of the world as:
Thanatos of The Vrykolakas

Burnin' Bryant Jones

Angelo the Stink Eye

Tipper Stewart

Eö Séregon

Flóki Bonecrusher


W:O:A Metalgod
23 Apr. 2002
Vampir: Marchioness of Moldovia, Lodemai of The Hungry

Pirat: "Chocolate" Anita Morgan :D:D

Mafia: Nice Guy Carlotta

Taxi Driver: !Kung Stewart (oh, afrikanisch)

Elbisch: Nessa Lossëhelin (es gibt so schöne Elfennamen, warum ist meiner so doof?)

Wikinger: Guðbjörg Oakenhound (hört sich lustig an :D)
Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You're not a belligerent person by nature, which is unfortunate if you want to be a Viking. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.

You can handle long sea voyages easily, despite the lack of amenities. Other Vikings would consider you "one of the guys" if you were a guy. (But even though you're a woman, they still think you're all right.)

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. You sometimes come off as a bit of a snob. Vikings are not snobbish people -- they either like you, or they kill you. Try to be more like a Viking. <- Wikinger-Diva :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2003
NM i.d.Opf.
Website besuchen
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Sorceress of The Ghastly
Known in some parts of the world as:
Venus of Bats and Shadows
The Great Archives Record:
Slipping amongst the shadows, flitting between dark places, always quiet.
Cap'n Glynnis Yellowbeard

Scarred-up Sara

Notgoñnaworkhére Evans

Lúthien Melwasúl

Snælaug Shieldcrusher
(Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "Snælaug Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.)
Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You're not a "berserker", but you're among the toughest sane Vikings around.
A long sea voyage aboard a Viking longboat would be difficult for you, but you might be able to manage it. Other Vikings would consider you "one of the guys" if you were a guy. (But even though you're a woman, they still think you're all right.)
You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Other people tend to think of you as manipulative and conniving.


W:O:A Metalgod
23 Apr. 2002
viking4771 schrieb:
es gibt z.b. hier ne namensliste wo vornamen übersetzt wurden, fehlt zwar noch einiges, aber besser als der generator mit sicherheit ;)
alle achtung, mein name ist da sogar drin

die wirkliche bedeutung meines namens ist: die sich vergeblich bemüht, wildkuh
auf sindarin ist das: Aregleria, Areglerië, Penegleria, Peneglerië

auch nicht schön :rolleyes: ... "peeeeeniiiis!"