Hellfest 2016

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hellfest schrieb:
Many of you are eager to see the first bands announced and the opening of the ticketing service. Last year, the 2015 edition was rapidly sold out, and the 2016 edition is likely to undergo the same enthusiasm. For now, we are unfortunately unable to tell you which groups will be part of our line-up; nevertheless we have decided to put the 2016 tickets up for sale. This is a first in the history of the festival. After 10 years of existence, we hope to have earned your trust. The numerous positive feedbacks we got in 2015 have encouraged us to take this step. The passes will be on sale on the 15th of September and they will be full cost, given that the whole of the lower cost tickets were sold during the festival! We have always done our best to hear you out in order for the Hellfest experience to evolve in the best of ways. We promise the next edition will be full of surprises, with once again more than 160 groups to choose from! Thank you again for your trust; we will see you on the 17th, 18th and 19th of June 2016 in Clisson to celebrate the 11th edition of the Hellfest. #bloodyHell

I'll wait until an announcement has been made. With such organisation, I'd like a kind of certainty, before I'll buy my ticket.