heaven shall burn and Sentenced

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W:O:A Metalhead
their music is metalcore with sometimes death vocals, the guitarrists remind a bit of In Flames also

yes I only have "whatever it may take"

songs: Implore the darkened sky, it burns within, martyrs blood...

from allmusic.com=

Germany's Heaven Shall Burn doesn't screw around. The brain-pummeling Whatever It May Take is the band's fourth release in a three-year stretch, and like its predecessors, it unleashes a pulverizing death metal/hardcore attack of spellbinding proportions.

Despite its seemingly satanic namesake, the band's subject matter is overtly political, raging against injustice with an informed intelligence rarely seen in straight-up death metal, while at the same time forging a torrent of hatred and violence the likes of which pure hardcore can only hope to touch. Indeed, Heaven Shall Burn is happy to name names and spares no target in the band's mission for justice (see the scathing "The Martyrs' Blood," which condemns the CIA's involvement in the Chilean military coup of the early '70s and even charges the agency with murdering then-president Salvador Allende). The band also avoids using blunt speed to dull the impact of its meaningful messages, choosing instead a mid-paced death metal clip similar to bands like Bolt Thrower and Amon Amarth. Though the album's overall quality does taper off a tad toward the end,

Whatever It May Take's entire first half is positively blinding, with standouts including "Behind the Wall of Sleep," "It Burns Within," the aforementioned "The Martyrs' Blood," and even the unnaturally melodic "Implore the Darken Sky" (later reprised in an interesting "cleaner" version). All told, this is a head-spinning affair that will thrill serious and experienced death metal enthusiasts