Hammered's© Antichristian Organization

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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Anti-religion is one goal. Annihilate all religion.

One evil at a time. ;)

....oh, but we keep the buddhists and confuciusists...they're more of a philosophy than a religion anyway.


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Apr. 2002
Trondheim, Norway
In Norway our churches are part of the state and get fundings from "us" as citizens. If we seperate the state and the church...this "problem" will wipe it self out. When you are born and baptized you are a member of the church - the more members more fundings for them. If you sign out of the church they still get the money, but not if you sign in to a different belief community like the pagans or the heathen society. I have done that, so my money wil NOT support the church any more!



W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I got out of the church a few years back, so they are not getting any more money from me!
I didn't even need to "join" anything else, just said I didnät want to be a member any more :)

They have separated teh church from the state now, finally, in Sweden.
That´s the shit here in Germany, you pay churchtaxes until you get out of the church (I did) but the church is so close conected to the german system, so that from the ordinary tax there goes a lot to the churches to rebild their buildings and to all their stupid ahhenings and so on....so still my earned money gets somehow to this fucking organisation.......:mad: and there is no way out, as long as I pay any tax......:mad: