Going to Wacken 2010 - Looking for sex

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Northern Death

W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Mai 2004
Dlm am Wildpferd
Yes, (thank you LooseCannon for replying) Huntress came from my shameful love of Justice League Unlimited. Plus, I love high-heel boots and weapons….
Great. :cool:

I really loved the JLU series, too. Greatest animated series so far...and Huntress, mostly handled as a B-hero in the comics, became an interesting, sexy character so your avatar is a really good choice, I think. :)

Btw: Interesting that nobody told us that he's "The Question" so far ;)
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22 Apr. 2010
Madison, WI US
Great. :cool:

I really loved the JLU series, too. Greatest animated series so far...and Huntress, mostly handled as a B-hero in the comics, became an interesting, sexy character so your avatar is a really good choice, I think. :)

Btw: Interesting that nobody told us that he's "The Question" so far ;)

Wait, who is the Question? Confused??

-Nevermind, I just got it...and I guess they are holding out for a picture of me first!
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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Let me sleep on it!
Baby, baby, let me sleep on it!
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning.

Let me sleep on it!
Baby, baby, let me sleep on it!
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning!

(but she wants to know right now!)
