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W:O:A Metalhead
24 Nov. 2001
East of the Rhine
one, two, give the Devil his due,
three, four, sail down the shore,
five, six, down the River Styx,
seven, eight, go through the Gate,
nine, ten, come back again:
Cunning and art he did not lack;
Aye, her whistle would fetch him back.
We sing this song in the Devil's Name
With joy and feasting to his fame
We'll stomp our feet and dance our fill
And tomorrow do the same -
We sing this song to Izzies shame,
The bastards put her to the flame,
We'll beat a rhythm and make the sound
Ad the dance goes round and round. CHORUS
O, I shall go into a hare
With sorrow and sighing and mickle care,
And I shall do in the Devil's name
Aye, till I be fetched hame. -
Hare, take heed of a bitch greyhound
Will harry thee all these fells around,
For here come I in Our Lady's name
All but to fetch thee hame. CHORUS
Yet I shall go into a trout
With sorrow and sighing and mickle doubt,
And show thee many a merry game
Ere that I be fetched hame. -
Trout, take heed of an otter lank
Will harry thee close from bank to bank,
For here I come in Our Lady's name
All but to fetch thee hame. CHORUS
Yet I shall go into a bee
With mickle horror and dread of thee,
And flit to hive in the Devil's name
Ere that I be fetched hame. -
Bee, take head of a swallow hen
Will harry thee close, both butt and ben,
For here come I in Our Lady's name
All for to fetch thee hame. CHORUS
Yet I shall go into a mouse
And haste me unto the miller's house,
There in his corn to have good game
Ere that I be fetched hame. -
Mouse, take heed of a white tib-cat
That never was baulked of mouse or rat,
For I'll crack thy bones in Our Lady's name:
Thus shalt thou be fetched hame. CHORUS