Anyone going from Amsterdam to Wacken?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Yesterday I read in a newspaper that the new Netherlands government may abolish the soft drugs tolerance. I hope that's fucking bullshit spread by a stupid journalist..... Amsterdam is quite a beautiful city, but without cannabis.....

Iscariot (and everyone from Netherlands) : what have you heard about that? Please, tell me that's just bullshit....

Lee Spellcast

W:O:A Metalhead
15 Jan. 2002
Website besuchen
Come on, it is a bit silly all this yes we are going to get stoned etc stuff. In fact discussing activities that are illegal at Wacken is irrelevant to this message board.

I dont even drink when I at Wacken, for music is what the festival is all about, not alchohol or drugs etc. Sitting in a tent at the camp site getting stoned is the last thing I would want to do at Wacken, hopefully the sniffer dogs will catch you and confiscate your supplies lol



W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Apeldoorn- Netherlands

I also think It's bullshit. I only heard that the leader of the biggest party is personal against the so called ' gedoogbeleid' :)
(I don't have a English word for it, this policy contains that soft-drugs like cannabis are illegal. You may not sell it, you may not cultivate it (only a few plants fot personal use is allowed) but you may use it. And you can only buy it at the so-called coffeeshops.
I hope I explained it good enough.
But that's all I heard. At this moment we don't even have a government so for now you don't have to worry about it. Even if that guy wants it, his proposal wont come through I think.

But my opinion about the foreign media is that you must not believe everything they say. Foreign journalist don't even take the time when something interesting happens in the Netherlands to find out the truth. same example about the murder of Pim Fortuyn 'the man with his anti immigration party, a second Haider or le Pen' bladibla. (I don't want to talk about politics now so I don't pursue the matter further)

What also is fun is that if foreign have their attention on the Netherlands that is news in the Netherlands again :D

I don't smoke and I also don't use cannabis, so for me if something like that should happen. I don't actually care about that :) But it would be stupid if they would though

And I still think its funny about the reputation the Netherlands has
Netherlands--> Amsterdam--> drugs :D


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
Originally posted by Lee Spellcast
Come on, it is a bit silly all this yes we are going to get stoned etc stuff. In fact discussing activities that are illegal at Wacken is irrelevant to this message board.

I dont even drink when I at Wacken, for music is what the festival is all about, not alchohol or drugs etc. Sitting in a tent at the camp site getting stoned is the last thing I would want to do at Wacken, hopefully the sniffer dogs will catch you and confiscate your supplies lol


well, it´s everybody´s personal decision if he/she wants to get stoned or totally drunk and miss all the bands or not.
For me it worked fine the past 5 years - I guess I have found a perfect balance between drinking, sleeping and watching bands :D I missed some bands because I was too drunk when I was at Wacken the first time. Of course I was worried about that. Now thats not happening anymore, hehe. And no drinking at all would kill half of the fun! Thats not my way...


W:O:A Metalhead
9 März 2002
Hel(l)mond, NL
Website besuchen
And it's damn well possible to see all the bands while being totally drunk (some friends that keep you from falling over who'll drag you from one band to the other are a good way of doing all that)

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Originally posted by Thordis V.
ich hab eh nicht vor was mitzunehmen. als angehender jurist ist ne vorstrafe ned so gut...

@ all: I just want to translate what I told Coffee

'I don't plan to bring anything (to Wacken). As I want to work in the law section, a punishment wouldn't be any good for my carreer.'

So I've never planed to bring anything!!! I hope this is clear enough now and no one will tell in future that I plan it (that's why I'll go to Amsterdam, as all know you can get pot anywhere illegal!!) Dogs can sniff til they die hehe.

And I can discuss about the topic, it's still my business and it's not irrelevant... I've asked because some said in the forum that they plan to go first to Amsterdam, too. So I don't face anything bad and if, the administrators will do their jobs.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
getting drunk is a third of the reason for going to wacken.

after all, it even says it on the beer cups.
"It's nice to get drunk at Wacken."

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
I go to Wacken because of music and the crowd, last year I didn't drink much (6 Met and 2 Beer in 3 days... is that much? - No :D) as I'm not allowed because of an disease (and I won't drink more this year - I hate taking those tabletts then!!).
And I didn't smoke... again, why shoukld I risk my future if there's Holland?? :)


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
Originally posted by Neverhead
And it's damn well possible to see all the bands while being totally drunk (some friends that keep you from falling over who'll drag you from one band to the other are a good way of doing all that)

OK thats possible, of course :D :D
But I tend to forget everything what I experience when I´m totally drunk... and I don´t wanna forget all that gigs!!! ;)