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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Bijna. 't Werd een broodje ei zonder ui. (maar met knoflook en peper en 't was 'n soort omelet (een kluts-ei)
Already translating this text for another 2 hours by now and I'm still not even half way through...
You remember me asking you for help? While I was translating?
I know it can be a big pain in the ass, the one language isn't the other. Some sayings are completely different in another language. (and it's even difficult if you speak both fluently!)
translating can be a bitch :(
True. Though I still enjoy it from time to time! :)
my skin is acting up on my right wrist. but I've cut them all off now... all 16 :(

Heb je geen klitteband ofzo erop gezet? Dan kan je ze er opnieuw opdoen, én afdoen wanneer je wil!


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Bijna. 't Werd een broodje ei zonder ui. (maar met knoflook en peper en 't was 'n soort omelet (een kluts-ei)

You remember me asking you for help? While I was translating?
I know it can be a big pain in the ass, the one language isn't the other. Some sayings are completely different in another language. (and it's even difficult if you speak both fluently!)

True. Though I still enjoy it from time to time! :)

Heb je geen klitteband ofzo erop gezet? Dan kan je ze er opnieuw opdoen, én afdoen wanneer je wil!
Yea, just that I don't know any Spanish people to ask about this kinda stuff, so I'm kinda screwed