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  1. DaveIoC

    Things to think about for a festival newcommer!

    I keep meaning to learn German properly (I did German class at school, but didn't do very well). Until I do, I'll just have to hope I meet some Englisch speakers.
  2. DaveIoC

    Things to think about for a festival newcommer!

    1. Bring beer. 2. Bring money 3. Watch bands. 4. Headbang 5. Have fun.
  3. DaveIoC

    Ask the Germans

    Yeah, I imagine she is somewhat like Tipper Gore? Wife of democrat Al Gore (who ran against Bush Jr) and founder/leader of the PMRC, the organisation responsible for this: I don't think Tipper Gore is a feminist or conservative, she just doesn't...
  4. DaveIoC


    Stick it far enough into the ground (about 2 feet... maybe dig a hole :D ) and then attach at least 3 guy ropes to it, preferrably 4. I want to get a flag too, (last year I was stumbling around drunk for 4 hours in the rain trying to find my bastard tent) but I can't think of anything long...
  5. DaveIoC

    Camping Charge?

    I still have my Green Nuclear Blast poncho from 2004. Didn't need it that year. Funnily enough, 2005 people did need them, and did I see any around? no! I intend to bring that 2004 poncho with me everytime. Maybe I will use it one day. For a flag, or something.
  6. DaveIoC

    Camping Charge?

    Well, yeah so it's not very exciting, but it could be worse. It could be like... some toilet paper and a tooth brush, and maybe some soap with a note that says "And use them you smelly bastard!".
  7. DaveIoC

    Ask the Germans

    I read most of the thread on (ok, only about half, it was 36 pages long and most of it was arguing about the definition of 'football' and not actually about German culture or custom) and it was pretty interesting. It did answer a couple of observations I had made from going to...
  8. DaveIoC

    Ask the Germans

  9. DaveIoC

    Camping Charge?

    You buy a Wacken Full Metal Bag for 10 Euros, which includes the camping fee and you get some other cool stuff like a torch and a poncho and a sticker, it's on the website if you look. 10 Euros is about $12. It may seem like a price increase because previously each vehicle (which might...
  10. DaveIoC

    Arrival time question

    I wish I could go as early as Sunday or Monday... our ferry to France is at midnight on Tuesday so we'll get there on Wednesday afternoon. It sounds positively late compared to you guys!
  11. DaveIoC

    Clarification of Wacken-going

    I'm going! My third year in a row, perhaps we won't drown this year. Arriving Wednesday and leaving Sunday, by the way. The Irony of Christ minibus of doom! :D