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  1. necrophagiac

    Come say hello

    Hey man, i listen to your shows when im about the house and it rules! It'd be cool to come and hang out for a beer if you fancy it...? Bring moshin John too, Manic metal kicks ass!!
  2. necrophagiac

    Running Order changes

    Calm down guys...its all going to kick ass whatever :D
  3. necrophagiac

    I am going to see slayer on nect monday and tuesday!!

    My thoughts exactly!! Whatever you do, DO NOT TELL ME THEIR SET LIST UNTIL AFTER I HAVE SEEN THEM!!! The last time i saw slayer there was a guy in the line to get in who had seen them the night before and he told everyone the set list - i want it to be a surprise this time!!
  4. necrophagiac

    I am going to see slayer on nect monday and tuesday!!

    Late last night myself and friend of mine were extremely drunk and we decided to book slayer tickets for the shows in london next monday and tuesday (we live in manchester) at half past 2 this morning i rang the 24hour booking line and bought tickets for both of us for both days! It...
  5. necrophagiac

    Are we going to get a running order this year ???

    Well thats sorted the 3 of us out then!
  6. necrophagiac

    Is anyone going to get pissed on the coach from the UK?

    Not what i was asking but still sounds good to me :D We WILL be getting pissed together at wacken, no questions asked.
  7. necrophagiac

    Are we going to get a running order this year ???

    Ill take a slap if theyre going cheap...
  8. necrophagiac

    Is anyone going to get pissed on the coach from the UK?

    Hello all, Just a quick question really, is anyone going to start drinking as soon as we get on the coach and set off for wacken from the uk...? I know it is probably a very bad idea considering it is a very long journey and all but i cant help but want to get pissed as soon as we set off...
  9. necrophagiac

    What are you listening to right now?

    Viking crown - innocence from hell I love this album :D
  10. necrophagiac


    Nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooo Behemoth, Bolt thrower and Marduk have all confirmed for "with full force" festival....... I cant afford to go there aswell :( :( :(
  11. necrophagiac

    What are you listening to right now?

    FREEZING MOON Hello everyoe whois still on the board at this time, i am here and quite rules,,,!! :D :d
  12. necrophagiac


    It is a surprise to some guys i suppose dude....just maybe not me and you...?!
  13. necrophagiac

    Good tracks

    lol...fair enough i guess!!
  14. necrophagiac

    Good tracks

    Was this a reply to my last post in the "surprise" thread?!! :D
  15. necrophagiac


    Hi Holger, How many more bands to come do you reckon...?
  16. necrophagiac


    I will begin downloading a few tracks now...thankyou for the good advice! Recommend any?
  17. necrophagiac


    Excellent! Glad its made someones day ;)
  18. necrophagiac


    Just in the news section dude, when you first get on the site.
  19. necrophagiac


    Maybe it is just me being small minded, which i am happy to accept if this announcement has genuinely made someones eyes water with excitement. I dont know who these bands are either im afraid. I have heard of sabat and metalucifer, but.......
  20. necrophagiac


    my first thoughts exactly....