(EN) Someone Fucking Help!

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W:O:A Metalhead

Mein name ist Ben und ich bin ein Gästshuler in Deutschland bis Dezember. Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht... aber.... ich bin in Koblenz von 1st July bis Dezember und ich habe keine ahnung wenn ich kann gehe nach Wacken Open Air. Kann ich komme mit?

Here's what I WANTED to say...


Yeah, I know I already asked before on some thread (that I can't find).

Anyway, stuff has changed so from July to December I'll be in a village near Koblenz. Anyone know is anyone is going to Wacken from that vague, outlandish area? Just don't want to mission it to the other side of the country alone (because that would fucking suck).

I think Frankfurt is somewhere close to where I am too, like 100km or so. Surely someone is going from there?! I'll shout you some beer and listen to your genre of metal throughout the journey (if that helps).

Yeah, I'll pay for some shit too.

As you can tell I'm a bit fucked off about having to miss With Full Force because of this bullshit.

Someone help me get to Wacken!




Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

Mein name ist Ben und ich bin ein Gästshuler in Deutschland bis Dezember. Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht... aber.... ich bin in Koblenz von 1st July bis Dezember und ich habe keine ahnung wenn ich kann gehe nach Wacken Open Air. Kann ich komme mit?

Here's what I WANTED to say...


Yeah, I know I already asked before on some thread (that I can't find).

Anyway, stuff has changed so from July to December I'll be in a village near Koblenz. Anyone know is anyone is going to Wacken from that vague, outlandish area? Just don't want to mission it to the other side of the country alone (because that would fucking suck).

I think Frankfurt is somewhere close to where I am too, like 100km or so. Surely someone is going from there?! I'll shout you some beer and listen to your genre of metal throughout the journey (if that helps).

Yeah, I'll pay for some shit too.

As you can tell I'm a bit fucked off about having to miss With Full Force because of this bullshit.

Someone help me get to Wacken!




Ist Koblenz nicth kürzer bei Köln?
Isn't Koblenz nearer to Cologne?

In that case, I might be able to help you to get to Wacken.


W:O:A Metalgod

Ist Koblenz nicth kürzer bei Köln?
Isn't Koblenz nearer to Cologne?

In that case, I might be able to help you to get to Wacken.

Glaub ich nicht. Jedenfalls nicht unbedingt, aber vllt kann er ja wenigstens n stueck Richtung Ruhrgebiet hfahren und sich unterwegs mit wem treffen.

Du bist doch auslaender, hol ihn doch eben ab!